Reviews for Music of Angels
LadyCavalier chapter 1 . 11/13/2011
OuO THERES MORE THERES MORE! *dances gleefully* Ahahaha there's more! u
A.R. LaBaere chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
Awww! I loved Christine's reaction when she saw the scars, and the love scene was sweet and hot.
Angel1256 chapter 1 . 1/18/2009
This is so beautiful.

I love the slight role reversal...Christine singing Erik to sleep, Erik fainting.

Wow...never have I read a sweeter, more unsure and loving Erik. Bravo!
Vampiric Phantoms chapter 2 . 3/15/2006
This is a great story. To bad this isn't the way it happened in the book, but it would have changed the book considerably.
Rebecca chapter 2 . 7/6/2005
What can i say? This is the hottest, most sensual fanfic I have ever read. It is sweet, tender, but also very steamy! Excellent work. (I need a cold shower now to calm me down!)
Sugar Peaches chapter 2 . 6/25/2005
Aww, that was so sweet! I loved this story so much, keep up the good work!
DragonheartRAB chapter 2 . 6/11/2005
aw! omg that was so beautiful and very well written. excellent, excellent story! i love e/c fluff. i hope that there will be more!
Pickledishkiller chapter 2 . 6/7/2005
Aw, tis so cute
klic chapter 2 . 3/27/2005
Meeps! It was all good until you got to the whole "I love you...I love you, too" section. It was said so many times, it began to lose meaning.

The rest was fantastic, though. I love that you added the part about his scars and the carnival; it added depth to the story. Good job, overall.
ChubbyBunny chapter 2 . 3/9/2005
This was loverly. Keep up the great work.

WolfAngel'JR chapter 2 . 3/3/2005

First of all I’m getting sick of that thing when E & C are getting intimate they constantly keep saying “I love you” or “ I love you so much” or “Oh, Christine”, “Erik…” blaa blaa blaa BLAA!

Those three words are beautiful, yes. Their names are beautiful, yes. But PLEASE.

WHY don’t the words run dry, huh? Why doesn’t the speech disappear into silence?

Oh, take this not personally. I’ve just read another fic where this same thing happened.

At one point here I thought that if I have to read even one more “I love you” I’ll throw this computer out of the window and refuse to read the rest of this or ANY of the fics here.

But then you wrote Erik telling about that time with gypsies and the next “I love you” had a place and meaning again. But then again another thing is extremely annoying. Like a half of the chapter Christine begging and pleading for him to take her. Just, like, Gosh - _make_it_happen.

It’s getting honestly really annoying reading just about every line “Eik…please…”

I think I want to cry. Once again – nothing personal – YOU are a very talented writer – I really like your style all the other way.

But damn, I hate those repeatedly said and “the music of the night” should be furthest thing from talking that much. *sighs in frustration*

If you go on with this story, please think of this.

I’m very tired, it’s past 3AM. Good night. Hope to get to read more chapters here soon. (:
WolfAngel'JR chapter 1 . 3/3/2005
Ok, that…was a good preaching I must admit.

I actually wanted to cry out loud that I’m sorry…

But I can’t help my fear anymore than the spiders their looks or…Erik his.

Spiders are no _ugly_ for me. Just extremely FRIGHTNING.

If only I found a single thing in them to adore as I find everything else in Erik but his looks maybe.

I truly worship Erik’s character, but spiders… Sorry. No way, honey. o.O

I’ve never red the Kay’s book. It simply is impossible to be found. Our city’s libraries are out of it as well. Those bastards. I feel like forever bound from that famous and adored book. Damnit.

"Christine...?" He was shocked, his mind was swirling, he couldn't focus on a single thought in particular... and then all he knew was darkness. He fell forward and fainted.”

Ok. I _thought_ I laughted here but soon I noticed I was actually crying… I need to stop thinking about him this much or I do believe I might go insane.

Oh man, this story is defenately coming out of my printer tomorrow! :P
an-angel-in-hell chapter 2 . 2/8/2005
aw... *sniff* i'm not gonna cry... aw, sweet phluff... good details in this phic too, 1 thing i've noticed about your writing is that you're good with all the... *ahem* uh, bits... you know what i mean!
Stephantom chapter 2 . 2/6/2005
That was very sweet, especially that first scene after the spiders. Oh, I just want to hug Erik! This was good, but I feel someone should tell you that you need to read these things over and make sure you don't repeat yourself too much. Just so you know, Christine "cooed softly" SIX times in this story.
Lioness-Rampant chapter 2 . 2/5/2005
Oh I just loved it! Finally the way the scene SHOULD have gone! Bravisima!
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