Reviews for Demon The Superman
OrigamiPlane chapter 1 . 3/14/2019
This is brilliant. You know how different writers characterize kurama and Hiei differently? Your way of doing it has got to be my favorite. Playing with their demonic nature and inherent more or less low level bloodlust. Seriously, some of the most believable character interaction I’ve read in a while too. More than that, these two had loads of chemistry there (they do in the show too,of course but you built upon that).

The writing was great too. No grammatical or spelling errors as far as I could tell, no boring stretches or flat, unbelievable dialogue.
Great work!

I love Hiei s monologue cum psycho analysis of kuramas actions during the dark tournament and especially in connection with Karasu.

Jeez, you just did everything right with this.
Thank you so much for writing and uploading this!
summerfell chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
You kill me. you just kill me. Damn the goodness of this. Definitely in my top fanfics of ALL TIME
Ranuel chapter 1 . 4/28/2010
Really excellent. Yusuke's rant on the answering machine and Hiei's responses to him on the phone were a nice bit of dark humor to break the tension.
0.o person chapter 1 . 7/9/2008
true, very true... during the romantic little moment i expected Shiori to walk in on them... 0.0 i love it chapter 1 . 2/14/2007
I love love love how you write your characterizations for Hiei and Kurama. Kurama especially. And Hiei. I can't decide - it all makes me happy. :0
yllom21 chapter 1 . 12/16/2006
Very interesting and nicely written. I enjoyed reading it. Nice charecterization of Hiei and Kurama. Nicely done!
CAD386 chapter 1 . 12/7/2006
Okay, that? That was brilliant. I love the way you portray them, especially Kurama. That's always been the way I've seen him ...
Indigo Eyes chapter 1 . 8/18/2006
My gosh... that was, well... quite frankly, amazing. And I am now quite entralled with this specific story.
hittocerebattosai chapter 1 . 7/11/2006
Whee! I love it! *Grins*
WordTree chapter 1 . 6/5/2006
Positively lovely. Not only does my long-standing fetish for bloody bishis get satisfied (and to such a degree!), you've created a rather magnificent dialouge between Hiei and Kurama. My only complaint is that there wasn't more reaction from Kurama's side. Perhaps it was because of the blood loss, but I don't think he'd be so blase about several of Hiei's remarks. Just a difference of opinion, I suppose. . Either way, this piece was true to character and masterfully poetic. I'll have to read more of your stuff.

Blossomwitch chapter 1 . 5/31/2006
That was a very interesting look into Kurama's psyche. I really think I liked it, it was a tad disturbing but I imagine it was supposed to be, ne? Very well done, very in character match up.
O.o chapter 1 . 1/8/2006
Creepy... But probaly true.
SilverKleptoFox chapter 1 . 12/11/2005
ypu should make kore stories like that. kurama getting seiriously injured, in qyuite a bit of pain, barely able to move and utterly defenseless is so fun to read. i just love it. tjough try to make the bloody part last a bit longer and he mondless conversation shorter. i amost didn't read this one bacause of the title but now i'm so glad i did. a secon chapter to this oe would be quite loved


p.s. i've read all your yu yu stories, but i like this one the best so far... oh do continue it...
Rosebit chapter 1 . 11/16/2005
Wow! It wasnt the longest one ive read but it gave the best...point I think is the word im looking for. Anywase I loved it. It was the best one ive read in a long time and it actually made sense, a lot of them dont do that very good.
Tian chapter 1 . 5/3/2005
Ah. That was so beautiful, angsty, hot, passionate, and much more. I *love* your Hiei/Kurama stories. Write more!
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