Reviews for Supergirl: Through My Eyes
Tessa chapter 1 . 2/6/2007
fantastic story:D, very well written, i loved it. keep up the good work:)
Love Of Blood chapter 1 . 12/12/2005
Berde chapter 1 . 1/17/2005
it was long (but worth it), sad (sniff sniff), but very beautiful all the same (because they love each other back..) and it touched my heart how much ron (based on how you had him narrate it) cares for her so deeply. i always thought that's exactly how he feels behind the neverending bickering he shares with her. omigod, now i'm in love with ron! lucky witch, hermione is!
JulesFire chapter 1 . 1/16/2005
The beauty of this story is startling. I'm serious. I've never felt so many different things at once. I can't believe you've killed Fred and George... and Ron's dad... and blinded Harry... and... *begins to cry again* Oh, but it's ok, because that's part of what made it beautiful. I just... the way you have Hermione breaking down the way she does, because she feels like people expect her to do everything at once... if the final battle does happen at Hogwarts, I can imagine it happening exactly like this (though I hope it doesn't... would be a little too depressing for me). My point was, I think you've nailed the characters, while adding some depth of your own. *wipes tears* Well done...