Reviews for School Sucks
impissed chapter 19 . 3/27/2013
I have a gay neighbor everyone calls tootilie pops
fox-siren chapter 1 . 12/24/2008

And funny!

Love the potatoe part. Then frog...Lmao
lazy.aces chapter 6 . 4/24/2008
Umm... is the health teacher a male cause you called the teacher 'he' during the Shadow-is-pissed-becuase-Kurama-locked-her-in-a-closet moment but in thie chapter when Shadow went balistic on the flag pole Shadow called the teacher 'she.' Is the health teacher a male or female?
Diamonds of the Night chapter 1 . 8/20/2007
Did I not read a story or two before this one? Because it sounds like they've been through a lot already... What's the first story(s) called? Great story though! Very humorous! Love it!

- Diamond Night
MikoHatome chapter 1 . 2/8/2007
Ok, so I'll review again...if I haven't already done so. But this is seriously one of my favorite stories! And this is the 10th time I'm reading it. Yay!
Demonic.Alchemist chapter 9 . 8/28/2006
So Ryu got kicked out of his house for running away from his house, which means he got in trouble for doing what his punishment was in the first place... Confusing...
Demonic.Alchemist chapter 5 . 8/27/2006
Shadow the Stampede? Trigun spoof in there XD

Second time reading this story. Go me!
Mekanizumu no kiki yari chapter 8 . 7/23/2006
I loved your fic i read it 23 times .
vandra chapter 3 . 5/30/2006
you really should do more youko poker seines there entertaining
Mekanizumu no kiki yari chapter 32 . 3/18/2006
i want sequil now...DAMN U
Scattered Kaleidoscope chapter 15 . 3/10/2006
YES! Because it would show how they really love each other! but what do i matter? i suggest you write another story and have them haveing sex some times in it.
forrbidden fire chapter 19 . 1/15/2006
i really like this. by the way, why not 'pretty boy' or 'lover-boy' really earlly in this chapter?
miiiiintyfresh3 chapter 29 . 1/8/2006
I love the dog I idea name actually. Shadow has even more pets now.
mintyfrssh2 chapter 24 . 1/8/2006
You have alot of good ideas for stories I hope you come out with more after the America Playgorung thinkamabob
mintyfresh chapter 1 . 1/8/2006
I love this story! It is verry good!
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