Reviews for Pretense and Peculiarity
nanciellen chapter 3 . 4/6/2015
Great little tale. Judging from the date of it, I am sure this is the last of it. Thank you.
nanciellen chapter 2 . 4/6/2015
I am very interested in this story. It makes sense that Darcy's neighbors would be a bit miffed. Some people just don't have a great public persona. And others undeservedly do think Wickham ! Thank you for a great story. I am enjoying it.
Manoella Nascimento chapter 3 . 9/12/2011
I find this story very interesting. It had never occured to me that Mr. Darcy's neighboors might have been offended by his personality. I wish you would continue this story. Poor Lizzy! She is in a difficult situation, but I'm sure her temper will get the best of her sooner or later!
ElizabethAnneSoph chapter 3 . 6/2/2011
please do continue with this story! I would like to know what happens at the picnic :D
Cestrel chapter 3 . 6/6/2007

Is this story abandoned? It's a great start, and I'd love to see you continue with it. You have captured a way of writing that is quite similar to the Regency style, and that makes reading your story so much more satisfying than reading a story supposedly set in the Regency era but with modern language. Please contunue, even though it's been roughly two years since your last update! /Cestrel
Curuwen chapter 3 . 3/11/2006
Lovely beginning...I really like how you jump right into the ball scene instead of spending a dozen chapters on the furnishings and going-ons of Pemberly. Hope for an update soon!
i love Mr. Darcy chapter 3 . 11/3/2005
please update! i like it so far!
I don't want anyone to know chapter 3 . 10/14/2005
great story... keep writing...
slam a revolving door chapter 3 . 9/25/2005

I think you're doing a great job, but try to keep elizabeth more... elizabethy? i.e. playful, less concerned with etiquette say... but i suppose it makes sense, considering this is her first time meeting these ppl..

oh well, it's good. update soon!
Gentileschi chapter 3 . 8/26/2005
Great story so far! I can't wait to read more!
Lady Mage chapter 3 . 8/19/2005
VERY good. Please update soon! :D
Lady Mage chapter 2 . 8/19/2005
Lady Mage chapter 1 . 8/19/2005
very nice
ElouiseBates chapter 3 . 8/18/2005
very lovely writing, you do hold true to Austen's characters and writing style, which is not easy to do. Please do update as often as you can, I am quite eager to see what happens next!
The Proud And Prejudiced One chapter 3 . 8/15/2005
m intreguing! and poor lizzy! please continue.
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