Reviews for A New Threat
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2016
I loved this story, but am deleting it from my favorites since I know it will never be finished. Which is sad because such a good story has gone to waste..seriously you should have finished it with how far along it was
zeralena chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
Oh, this story looks so promising! I wish you were still working on it. But after reading the second chapter, I realized that this wasn't completed and that you haven't updated in five years. :( So I won't torture myself by making it to the most recent chapter and then finding out that you're not going to finish it. But I will hope and put it on alert. I hope you get around to adding more soon!
Amee Lynn chapter 45 . 8/29/2009
even though it appears you have abandoned this fic, i would really really really really love to read the next chapter! pretty please?
Hermione Granger Fanatic chapter 45 . 7/9/2009
WOW! AMAZING JOB! one of the best Harry Potter fics Ive ever read...

I mean your character devoplement is awesome and the plot is a great one! This story is defiantly a good one.

I know its been like 4 years since you got this story up here...but can you like...give us at-least a little update?

Even if you say that you are discontuing the story...let us know for some closer!

Hope you update whenever!

~Hermione Granger Fanatic~

~When life gives you pop cutlure, write fan fiction!~
thaigirl2009 chapter 38 . 2/20/2009
I must say, that this is one of the most original stories that I've read in quite some time. It's very refreshing when one finally stumbles along on a find like this. Normally it gets rather tedious when all you find is the same ideas over and over again.

You've gotten me addicted with this story. I love how you've been developing the plot, and you practically have me dancing in my seat. I must admit that I had been hoping that Remus would bite Hermione simply for the drama it would have caused. ]

Keep up the good work.
aLiarSays chapter 45 . 8/10/2007
hey this is a great fic and its good to know its not been abandoned but if u do ever get the urge 2 update please do!

Kurama'sbabygirl234 chapter 45 . 8/7/2007
love the story really good update hurry with the chapter
EmsCaitlin chapter 45 . 4/5/2007
When is the next chapter going to get posted?
runlamb chapter 15 . 3/18/2007
I love the horror part of this fic.


:) i liked that pact
runlamb chapter 12 . 3/18/2007
why the crud is everyone so enamored with hermione?

it's a little annoying. (don't mind me, the stories already written, it's good, i'm just..)
runlamb chapter 11 . 3/18/2007
It seems sort of pathetic how much sirius is doting after hermione, and how too perfect hermione seems, it makes her unlikable and uninteresting, I do like draco and ginny though. Alot actually.

This is a really good fic.
runlamb chapter 3 . 3/18/2007
ugh, that xena outfit sounds cheesy and ugly,

I wonder what happens next.
thepersonunderurbed chapter 45 . 2/19/2007

great story! best!




keep up the great work!

adorablygranger chapter 1 . 2/5/2007
Kidakkia chapter 45 . 1/27/2007
You said that you started a new chapter... that was over a year ago... please update...
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