Reviews for My Head's Cursed
rion chapter 4 . 11/21/2009
hmm...longest 4 months ever
Beccy chapter 1 . 12/5/2005
WO! very cool... i love this story so much and i have read it soo many times... i cant wait till you finish (or put up) the next one... damn it... you take too long to write stories!
Gin no Ame chapter 4 . 10/30/2005

This story is awsome! :3

I love the odd mood Furi Kuri and the fanfictions of it put you into X3


I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Lord Splattergore chapter 4 . 10/16/2005
Consensus says you should continue this great story!
Darcia Plushie chapter 4 . 10/8/2005

This jsut means you better psot another chapter soon. Before the rabid fangirls try to eat your brain.
Lonely Mononoke chapter 3 . 7/14/2005
I love this story~~! Keep writing more! XP (Haruko hasth return-ethed!)
shadow lurker chapter 3 . 7/7/2005
She finally came out! I rejoice! keep it up, update soon!
Darcia Plushie chapter 3 . 7/2/2005
I like it. Sure, there's grammatical errors, but it's readable., have a write-out for this?

I don't think thep eople that MADE flcl had a real storyline/plot/idea in mind...

I never use rough drafts/outlines/ect.t, I write as I go. Especially if I've got Haruko on the
Darcia Plushie chapter 2 . 7/1/2005
I'm really liknig this story. please, continue writing!
ken nuhfer chapter 2 . 3/24/2005
not bad, i can't wait to read what happens next.
Baron Hausenpheffer chapter 2 . 3/10/2005
Hello again! This was a great chapter, even better than the first one. You have a real talent for keeping everyone in-character and sounding like themselves; in a show as crazy and upredictable as this one, that's no easy feat.

I'd also like to compliment you on your ability to keep me guessing: Canti's meeting with the Vespa had me thinking "Haruko" when it was actually Mamimi, we still don't know why things are suddenly sprouting from Naota's noggin again, ect. On the downside, there WERE several careless errors toward the end, but... you don't care. Okie-dokie. Keep up the great work; I look toward to seeing where you take this!
Baron Hausenpheffer chapter 1 . 2/27/2005
Hey, this is pretty darn good! It's not too often that you see an actual story in this section (no offense meant to musings/drabbles).

This one is shaping up to be mighty good, too. Like a good first chapter should, it leaves us asking all kinds of questions: Is Mamimi back? Why did Haruko's Vespa sprout from Naota's head? Why was it covered in blood (that's never happened before!)? Was there a reason behind Canti's beating the ever-living spittle out of the poor bike? So on and so forth...

Anyway, this is getting lenghty, so I'll wrap it up. A final word: don't let the "grammar-flame" bother you. Sure, there are a few errors here and there, but trust me when I say I've seen much, MUCH worse (like about 60% of the stuff posted on this site, for example). Anway, you're going on author alerts, so please update as soon as you get the time. Later! _
Lord Splattergore chapter 1 . 2/8/2005
A lot of grammatical errors, and I mean A LOT. Asides from that, this is looking to be a good story, and you should most definitely continue.
FLCL Fan chapter 1 . 2/2/2005
Col... I really liked this fic. Pay no attention to the other non-reviewers. They're just too lazy... lousy *mutter mutter* gravey...

Anyway! Shows muy seriousness of FLCL and yet I can't help but think that's exactly how the father would deal with such things. Joke about it, feel the anger, then try to ignore it and continue on. Naoto still the immature kid though. Heh, heh. _ Best part by far though was the end when Canti was dismantling the vespa. I'm not sure why though. It just provides these thoughts of why, what's next, or about time. Naoto's quote at the end was quite good too. What can I say? This story is quite the hooker. *pauses* Now you see... when I say that I meant... wanting more... wait that doesn't work either! Damn! You get what I'm trying to say, right? *another pause* I hope so.

Ignoring that part though this is a great fic! What comes next? Are you writting already? Are you waiting for more reviews? I'll post more reviews if I have to, just to get you to write. _ Got a ton of personas and I'm willing to use them. Do you know what's even going to be next? Or will you go with the flow? I'm really looking forward to it. I'll be waiting for the update! And P.S. Sorry for the rambling... _'