Reviews for Putting The 'IN' Into Insanity
Tamara52 chapter 3 . 7/10/2013
Are you insane becuse this is insanity
DarlingMettaton chapter 15 . 10/15/2012
OMG OMG my. At ded:'( *cat died. Th funny one! ยก&&!
EscapetoMusic chapter 15 . 6/25/2011
I love this :) they're legit super funny, instead of being the totally-not-funny-because-you-are-trying-way-too-hard, which is amazing. And the one I vote for next is the "not so saved by the bell" only did I love that show, I love the idea for it. So keep writing... I can't wait!
00camii00 chapter 15 . 12/8/2010
hola! um hi?

i am from argentina, and i can't speak in english XD

but i can read! (si yo tampoco se como..)

so i review this!

it's soo funny, jajaja me cague de risa! (i don't know how it is in englishXD)

me cuesta un huevo de los que no tengo el ingles, jajaja

well, i wish what you can understand this, because i can't! XD (i'm use one old dictionary english-spanish for this..)

well, conclusion: i don't speak in english, i speak in spanish. i don't know english...and it's sooooo difficult XD

really, don't know how you said chau...

so...chau! XD
Alexpat1 chapter 15 . 6/25/2010
i would say do when fool fall in love. great fic. by the way.
DLETE chapter 3 . 8/2/2009
omg... mayo? Eww... I'm allergic... GO KETCHUP!
Pineapple Pen chapter 15 . 4/2/2009
Dude, I know you started this like aggess ago but you really should continue it! :D
cRzYmAn676 chapter 15 . 5/23/2008
well, what were those things if they weren't sprinkles? right now i get the feeling that you won't respond to this thing anyway (you haven't updated in HOW long?) so i'd say fools in love as my choice. don't blame me, blame your lack of updating before the date reached 5/23/08 at 8:01 pm. i mean, come on! what are you doing, jackin off?

SP: be careful what we're sayin, dude. we may have to take those words back soon.

fine, and i'll admit i was wrong, too... if the author responds!

SP: which we doubt...

Update if your alive!

SP: as soon as possible...
Toriano.Flacko chapter 6 . 5/23/2008
HAHAHAH_HA_HA-ha-ha-ha- stop it!

SP: translation; don't stop the funniness.
Toriano.Flacko chapter 5 . 5/23/2008
you, friend, put the 'in' into insanity. i almost- no, scratch that, i DID fall on the floor laughing so hard. please don't kill me! AGH!

... HAHAHAHAHAHA-ha-ha-ha- (hack hack hack) crap!
Slade8833 chapter 2 . 8/19/2007
lol ok so far up to chap 2 and this is causin chuckles here and there all in all great stuff.. .. it looks like what would happen if you took a teen titans episode and slaps some invader zim like comedy into it..

anyways i'm going back to reading now lol
Raven'sDarkSide chapter 15 . 8/5/2007
i pivk fools in love. except for the robin/old lady with extra toe thing. please update soon! i cant wait and...what were the "sprinkles"? i dont have a clue about that kinda stuuff. ok so i do but not much;) once again:PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
Lilly69 chapter 2 . 3/30/2007
Vincent's Vampress chapter 12 . 1/2/2007
So funny! I love the longness and the detail. Rock on!
Vincent's Vampress chapter 11 . 1/2/2007
I dont think I could be laughing harfer right now!
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