Reviews for Warmth of a Human Touch (Original)
Lazypea chapter 29 . 6/8/2017
Really good story. I remember I started reading this ten years ago, and I'm glad I found it again. Love the revisions you did!
Pen Gnots chapter 29 . 6/10/2014
Thanks for sharing
Brianna Banner chapter 29 . 2/8/2013
Very well done and well written. I found myself in tears of joy by the end. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go back to chapter one and read it again. Lolz.
Vatta chapter 26 . 9/23/2012
Really really awesome seeing this updated again!
Neverknew chapter 25 . 8/27/2012
Hey guys;
I'm back!

The official, 'final' versions of previous chapters are up. I'm officially satisfied with what is already up. (Upon looking over it, some of the first chapters could use a complete re-do. After some deliberation, I've decided to leave them as is. To change it so drastically would change the story entirely. The elementary writing style will just have to part of its charm!)

There are three new chapters inserted, please read and enjoy! For those that have been waiting for the revisions before the re-read, please go ahead. Revisions are done and I declare it officially safe to read now without any fear of changes.

I'm working on the final chapters now. Enjoy the 'redone' story while I work on the others. :DD
Cat77 chapter 22 . 7/16/2012
Really liked it but I see u haven updated in a while so are we getting an ending?
Neverknew chapter 21 . 4/11/2012
Neverknew here;

Just to let you all know, I am halfway through the next chapter and have the end storyline plotted out. I need to make a few small changes but after about 10 years the end is finally in sight.

Thank you for bearing with me, for being patient, and being dedicated. Admittedly, a lot of struggle with this story was within myself; for every time that I grew as a writer and a person, this fable has shown every step of that. A lot of the struggle these days is understanding when to draw the line; admitting that the story is not satisfactory in some places and that it will have to stay like that. I also have a general plotline for the next story, a Mako/Mina separate plot. Of course, Ami and Rei will pop up in there as well, just as the our latter couple has popped up in this one.

Hold on tight.
TheKueken chapter 22 . 6/18/2011
I like it! AmiRei was certainly something (unconventional) I needed to look up at seeing you had so many chapters to give them room to develop. Was a bit surprised at first, to have found them paired up so early already in the story (and admitably I still have some troubles actually *picturing* them together) but the overall story makes up for it - which is quite capturing and leaves enough questions unanswered to have kept me reading till I caught up. I really like the MinaMako plot, because they fill the above mentioned void (also because I think they would be an adorable couple~).

As for the unanswered questions, I hope you'll find the time and means to someday fill us all in and resume and complete the story at some point~
Vatta chapter 6 . 4/14/2011
I definitely hope you get back to this soon. It's a great Ami/Rei just keep focussing on them!
Neverknew chapter 14 . 8/10/2010
Hello, fans.

I haven't forgotten in the slightest. For those interested, the story is now revised up to Chapter 14. Shortly after I finished up the revision, my comp crashed and haven't been able to update since. My hopes are up that I MIGHT get a computer soon, but there are bills to pay and it is going out on a limb.

Most of the storyline is ready to go. Revisions will pick up when I get a working computer up. I do strongly apologize, and this story is still in the back of my head, and I DO have plans to finish it. I haven't forgotten it! .

Don't give up on me guys, and I won't give up on you. T.T
xXMiMiXx chapter 22 . 4/3/2010
you've almost turned this fic into a Mina/Mako the last few chapters...pls do refocus to the main pairing here...that is Rei/Ami! I started losing interest just because of the horrible amount of Mina/Mako stuff in a Rei/Ami fic..ugh...anyways...I'll have to reread the whole story (which was great until all the Mina/Mako stuff began to overrun the real main pairing...) sigh
Neverknew chapter 6 . 3/31/2010
Hey everyone again!

The revision is going along pretty smoothly. I'm working on Chapter 6 (School, It's Like a Mandatory Drug) right now. I'm mostly happy with the chapters here on out. I took more time when revising these the first time and they don't need so much help. I am going through and dropping in scenes here and there, though. It will be worth a complete re-read by the time it's done, but I wouldn't suggest starting until everything is at least revised.

On another hand, I have a favor to ask of anyone willing. I actually haven't seen a Sailor Moon episode in years, so I'm at a loss for official dates, instances, etc. I know that Ami has a love interest during one of the seasons, but if I'm correct, it doesn't really go anywhere and it gets left kind-of open-ended. Am I right? Either way, if anyone knows what episode(s) that is, and if they can possibly send me a link or a summary... That would be IMMENSELY helpful, because frankly, I don't know where to begin looking.
dc-4me chapter 22 . 3/28/2010
I nearly had a hearth attack when I saw that update.. I am so happy that you are continuing this.. this is one of the best stories I have read on . Honestly.. I am so happy that you are still with this story.. Thank you very much for sharing it and not let it die.. I also hope there would be a new chapter soon
Neverknew chapter 22 . 3/28/2010
Hello all! I'm back! I'd LOVE to finish this story as it is, but there are too many loopholes for my satisfaction. Right now I'm in the process of going through and editing what's already done, chapter by chapter. Things need to shortened, moved, and loopholes closed up. Once I'm satisfied with what I have already written, I'm hoping to pick up from there and hopefully finish this thing up.

Revised prologue and chap. 1 are up.
6darkwillow chapter 22 . 12/20/2009
this is very good. i like your writting technique it makes your story interesting. update soon!
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