Reviews for Better Than Dreams
Tom chapter 6 . 7/31/2018
I just have to correct a tiny detail. Sorry it was just really bothering me. You said Sirus was the only pureblood in the friend group but James is actually also a pureblood. Other then that tiny false detail its a quite wonderful story.
NaughtyG chapter 15 . 3/27/2016
I love this story! I remember reading it like a decade ago and only found it again recently after going through forum after forum after forum trying to find someone who knew what this story was called.

I'm so glad I found it again, it's one of my favourite Remus/Sirius stories ever.

I don't know if you still use , but have you considered writting a sequel?
tiffany.treadway.90 chapter 3 . 8/1/2014
Reficul- Lucifer
DogStar13 chapter 15 . 6/23/2014
IWLTxo chapter 15 . 8/25/2012
This is a beautiful story, I'm so glad I got the chance to read it. The ending was much anticipated and I was smiling the whole time I read it!

I think I've fallen in love with your Sirius; I've never read a fanfic with a Sirius quite like yours. It was fun to read and interesting, same goes for all the other Marauders.

You've got a real talent in writing and I'd like to thank you for writing this story!
IWLTxo chapter 14 . 8/25/2012
The ending of this chapter is so sweet, just wow! This story has definitely surprised me, it has more of a plot than I first assumed.

Love it!
IWLTxo chapter 13 . 8/25/2012
Oh thank god Sirius knows where he is! Even though you've mentioned that this is going to have a happy ending, I still can't help but wait in suspense!
IWLTxo chapter 12 . 8/25/2012
Nooooooo! Dear God!
IWLTxo chapter 11 . 8/25/2012
There's just something about the way you write that's alluring and fantastically intriguing. I actually can not stop reading this story.
IWLTxo chapter 10 . 8/25/2012
Utterly beautiful. You don't know HOW scared I got when Remus had a dream of Sirius's funeral. I was like "nonononono!" But he's alive and I'm happy now.

Well, not happy because Remus is in emotional pain and Sirius is in physical pain, but I'm happy that he's alive. But this chapter was so beautifully written!
IWLTxo chapter 9 . 8/25/2012
I find this reaction so much more realistic than the SB/RL fanfics with the same sort of plot. Sirius has only ever been with women, he's a pureblood who doesn't really know anything other than heterossexuality, so I thoroughly believe he would react like this towards Remus.

Superb job!
IWLTxo chapter 8 . 8/25/2012
This chapter was beautiful, the ending was tragic; I really thought Sirius would kiss him back.
IWLTxo chapter 7 . 8/25/2012
So the suspense you're creating is turning me mad!
IWLTxo chapter 6 . 8/25/2012
All I can think in my head when I'm reading this story is "finally, a fanfic that acknowledges just how sexy Sirius Black is!"

James and his declarations of how sexy Sirius is were hilarious :D
IWLTxo chapter 5 . 8/25/2012
I like how you're adding new elements to the characters and their personalities, I haven't seen such an interesting and unique interpretation of Sirius in a while!
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