Reviews for Plan B
Gusty Eagle chapter 1 . 2/18/2019
Plan A: Don't read this story
aye, aye captain
shadowfan999 chapter 15 . 8/6/2013
please update this fic with a new chapter i cant wait to see what happens next
shadowfan999 chapter 10 . 8/5/2013
this chapter made me hate jim for yelling at liz,she did use the fireworks for self defence after all
AmatureAuthor chapter 15 . 12/31/2010

I'm tring to come up with a name for liz/jhim aka rizu/chimofu, but Lim souds as bad as chimofu and the other option is jhiz, and that just sounds NASTY! so i think i'm leaning towards rizofu. chizu also sounds VERY wierd.

AmatureAuthor chapter 6 . 12/30/2010
lol. of COURSE not all collage guys are slobs. take light yagami for example. his room is PRISTINE. its way cleaner than mine, but thats not saying much. (8th grade girl. manga all over the floor, clothes blankets and fabric items in the space between the foot of the bed and the wall, and pillows scattered across the beanbad chairs which are covering half of my manga collection. XD)

AmatureAuthor chapter 2 . 12/30/2010
this is great! amazing! fanominaltastical- boo. -_- in short- i love it.
AmatureAuthor chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
this is amazingly written! i've reand ranma SI's before, but the is the best BY FAR! the wa you introduced it was wonderful, and you're not seeming like a mary sue at all! this is posotivly amazing! I LOVE IT!
Chai-Emlee chapter 15 . 6/13/2010
Wow, Liz...this is actually a very good SI. I really love the funny names you think of. I still can't pronounce Rizu's family name properly. Haha! Anyway, I wonder if you're still up to continuing this story. It seems awful for you to leave the two SI(s) still have a fight.
sick of the lame chapter 15 . 12/24/2009
this is nothing more than a mary-sue and the author a suethor

the only redeeming feature of this crapfic is that the suethor never bothered to finish it

save your eyes and don't read this
Hakumei chapter 15 . 6/3/2008
I have read this story over 20 times... and still NO DAMN UPDATE!

*cries hysterically*

This has become my favorite SI. And hell, there are few SI's around that female heroines, much less i/good/i ones!

But, dudette, seriously!

You've so gotta update! I can't wait to see what happens to Rizu working as a waitress at the Nekohanten, if her and Jhim will ever make up, ecetera ecetera...

So I'll shall say these final words: PLEASE UPDATE!


CRose chapter 15 . 4/30/2008
I like the story, it's got some good twists and turns in it that you don't see in SI's very often and is fun to read.
KisaSohma-sama chapter 15 . 9/25/2007
I likey! Update!
han chapter 2 . 9/23/2007
Please post your Suzumiya fic here. I can't review on LJ. :(
Linkthelethalllama chapter 3 . 5/28/2007
...Did you just stick a metal gear solid 3 reference in here? I think you did...Good fic tho.
Kei chapter 15 . 2/15/2007
I just have to say... The Liz writes mean comedy(and romance if I'm reading Jhim and Rizu correctly).

...and I'm off to sleep.
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