Reviews for Remember
TigerToa chapter 1 . 9/29/2009
This was so beautiful! It completely melted my heart! Erik is so sweet...

Thank you for this! It has been a most enjoyed story.
Ally N. S chapter 1 . 4/14/2005
I must say that I enjoyed this little addition to the Phantom story...*sigh* was very good. I love Erik all the more now! :) Well, nice work. Please, forgive me but I would like to solicitate my story as well...Only one person has found and read it and I am in need of more input about it...but I really feel guilty about ASKING/BEGGING for readers, but as I am sure you know, reviews are pretty scarce...and everyone counts! :)Thanks for your time,

Nice work once again,

Your humble servant,

SummerSong chapter 1 . 12/27/2004
Very sweet. Yes, perhaps ooc for Erik, but that didn't take away a single thing for me. It was a lovely story. Thank you.
viennacantabile chapter 1 . 12/26/2004
aw...that's sweet! a little unlikely, but touching all the same..
Phantom Aria chapter 1 . 12/25/2004
Very, very sweet. And appropriate. Thanks for sharing I enjoyed it.
Blonde Songbird chapter 1 . 12/25/2004
Aw... that was sweet! *Little tear* *Sniffle* Yes, yes, I have you on author alert, so I am eagerly reading all of your work! ) Keep it up! I loved it!

Your blondeness,


~I couldn't be happier~
Shandethe Sanders chapter 1 . 12/25/2004
I loved this. Huzzah for Grandpa Raoul! And I loved that the Phantom could sympathize with him after all those years.

Just one thing: 'Meg' is a nickname for Marguerite. Other than that, beautiful work.

Vive le vicomte!

Hannah Abby chapter 1 . 12/25/2004
Aw. That's sweet. I was worried when Raoul got the letter from 'The Angel' thinking 'not again.' but it worked out well.