Reviews for In the Absence of My Best Friend
Tamara Raymond chapter 1 . 2/15/2005
This was an interesting change of pace from the darker first installment, but, I think, a good move nevertheless. Another bombardment of bloody, tortured angst probably wouldn't have impressed the reader a second time.

Your AU perspective is fascinating. Anzu's background was completely original, as was Yami's. And you're an expert at plot-weaving and character development, hands down; you've really done a wonderful job spanning the entire YGO universe, I think. All in all, this is another remarkable piece. I have nothing but praise, sadly. ;
Downtrodded chapter 1 . 1/28/2005
Yay, another great installment in the "Stay With Me" arc. D

You're probably one of the very few authors out there that can make Anzu tolerable AND in character. Something I could never ever do.
Ariadne Bassarid chapter 1 . 12/29/2004
Well, I haven't read the first one, but this one was great on its own. Seems like you could go on with it if you wanted... Not that it really needs it, but readers always like it when good writers like yourself continue. ;)
Blue Lagoon Loon chapter 1 . 12/26/2004
Awesome work! I'm glad that you've managed to keep the characters IN character, unlike some authors... (Like me. *kicks self*)
ssp chapter 1 . 12/26/2004
I really like this. The idea with the letter was a good idea. I read Domestic Harmony as well, and it's really good. Anyway, update your other one-shots and your story JOEY as soon as you can.
redconvoy chapter 1 . 12/25/2004
My God! This was fgood! Is there going to be more chapters? I like the way you handled everything. Keep up the good work.