Reviews for Catch of the Day
Possessed-Gummy-Bear-Inferno chapter 1 . 6/7/2006
No! WHY! (bangs head on computer desk) it should've went on! Ok. Since my complaining will accomplish nothing I'll just gush over the wonderful words that are your story. Wow. When you described Glorfindel and Erestor coming out of the water, my desk had a 3 foot diameter of drool. Any more great descriptions such as that will have almost any Glorfindel/ Erestor fan dying of dehydration. XD.
anonymous slashlover chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
I really liked this story. it's so sweet. And i'm a sucker for happy endings. Great job!
A fan chapter 1 . 12/20/2004
"a hardened warrior" *snort* Marvellous!
Kalima chapter 1 . 12/20/2004
Hi Jen,

So nice to greet the day with. I decided to read it because it was a short one, though I've been putting off most fan fic reading because I'm so busy. I just wanted to express my appreciation, 'cause it's helped lift my mood, which seems to be taking a little dip.

Such a nice little dance of courtship you portratyed. Thanks.
Piglet chapter 1 . 12/19/2004
That was so sweet!
JastaElf chapter 1 . 12/19/2004
Ai, Jenolas, I do so love your Glorfindel... so blithe, charming, cocky, adorable, cheeky, and drop-dead gorgeous... can I have an Elf of my own just like him?

This is a delightful tale, full of the innuendo I adore so much, and such lovely visuals. Thank you for sharing it with us!
556918 chapter 1 . 12/19/2004
Wow thats such a cute story! please continue if your planning to and if not. CONTINUE! hehe