Reviews for Temperance
Guest chapter 22 . 3/26/2016
Sad but good she was a foolish girl

Eric was the. Best
Bonpetitepoodles chapter 22 . 12/18/2014
Well written. I didn't want the ending. But it was different.
Guest chapter 22 . 11/19/2014
nope she belongs to Eric
Guest chapter 22 . 10/23/2014
If Eric really loved Christine as he said he did,

how could he just give her up after so much

striff, I know, so she conceved anther mans'

child, so what , If it was just because she didnot

really think of the concunces of the act of stupid sex

I only know when you really love your sole mate you

just donot walk away and suffer in silence
Not A Ghost3 chapter 22 . 6/16/2014
I loved this story! I don't know why everyone is complaining about Erik, personally- I loved him! That might be because I prefer Leroux's version above the rest, but still...

Great work, everyone is so in character, and you wrote them perfectly!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
I hated this story
twinchingtoe chapter 22 . 8/13/2013
This was very interesting to read yet I'm sorry to say that I disliked the way you've portrayed Erik's character.. It would of been nice for it to go so well after Erik gave Christine a bath.
However, on the whole it was a great version of pto. Well done!
FleshofMidnight chapter 22 . 9/10/2006
I'm still crying...the end is breath-taking!
fleshofMidnight chapter 12 . 9/10/2006
My God, I had forgotten what a beautiful piece of writing you have here! It is absolutely spellbinding! True to canon, true to your own creative vices! You have inspired me to continue with my two works..."Mon Couer S'Ouvre A Ta Voix" and a newer piece, "My Soul Was Lost". I would love to know your thoughts.

Have you any new writings? I would love to devour them with my mind! I am so glad that I can now finish reading this great piece! Your dark Erik is the Erik we all love!

FleshofMidnight chapter 1 . 9/8/2006
I have been a fan of your tale for quite some time, but I am nor certain as to whether or not I have ever left you a review. So, here it is. Your writing style is exquisite, and fits completely within the confines of the true Erik, while still allowing for your own creativity. The plot is original and moves at a pleasant pace, making this work reader-friendly and intriguing, I shall finish it at once.

Sincerely, your dearest reader,

Rose chapter 12 . 3/13/2006
this erik is mean! i do like the character even if he is a bully, and i have to say the ALW erik cries more then a french soccer player and thats funny cuz its so impossible
Sopran chapter 22 . 1/18/2006
This story hurts me. It's so very... painful to read. It's wonderfully written, of course, but it's just so painful. This is one of the few stories to ever evoke such an emotion from me, and I applaud you for it.

I adore your take on both Erik and Christine. I especially liked the coffin event, because the reactions seemed so perfectly natural.

This was really amazing. But I really think I need to go read something fluffy now or something.

Piper Sargasso chapter 21 . 12/8/2005
By far one of the best stories - fanfiction and published - I've ever had the pleasure of reading. The ending was absolute brilliance! I'm adding this to my favorites. Very, very well done!
ladypahntom chapter 22 . 11/9/2005
this was the worst story i ever red i fink it was so crap, u were so mean to fink like dat to make erik a nasty and horrible charicter and 2 make cristine so so so so so DUMB! so r so mean. I WAS HORRIBLE
Poisoned Allure chapter 22 . 10/7/2005
Wow, I love it. I usually hate stories with non E/C endings, but this one was just...wonderful. You write really well, and stick to the characters throughout the entire story...terrific writing. I love the part where Christine and Erik are together while the Vicomte and Nadir are in the torture's sick and twisted and sweet and good all at once. Hope to see more writing from you in the future!
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