Reviews for Caught in His Web
Pinay Tiger chapter 29 . 4/29/2018
I thoroughly enjoyed this story from start to finish. I do have to admit that this story started out very strong with myself having high hopes that it would be on my favorite's list but I feel like the strength of what you were trying to paint diminished as the plot and character development moved on to the finish. I enjoyed every aspect of Enishi's character and how you developed him. He was absolutely sexy, smart, cunning, and a sick manipulative bastard. I love the sexy tiger. However, Kenshin and Tomoe's relationship really pissed me off as the plot thickened. I thought it almost callous that Kenshin would be able to cheat on Tomoe on a few occasions, and was quite put off by the fact that he was able to have sex with Kaoru right after Tomoe's death. I would have like to see more suffering and pain on Kenshin's part to reacting on the issue of his ex-girlfriend's death than to see him having sex with Kaoru, but that is just me. The story is well written with very few errors and I thank you for that. In the first 1/2 of the story, I felt like the interactions and dialogue were all plausible and quite believable. The ending seemed to be rushed.

I really enjoyed this story. I feel like you deserve more reviews because I did enjoy the way you wrote-it was not painful-and the development of characters was done well to an extent. I think some of the dialogue could have been streamlined, but every author is different and brings something different to the fiction world. This was a great read because I like any and all EnishixKaoru interactions, and was happy she ended up with Kenshin in the end.
Ciel chapter 29 . 9/4/2016
Wah! I love your story so so much! I can read it again and again! A shame though that it has been 10 years and there's unfortunately no sequels. I had ideas of some of the things going on but it's always better to hear it from the author themselves. I understand though if you never get around to it. But I wanted you to know that the story is well-written and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you so much for writing and I wish you the best!
Mina chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
Way to capture teenage angst...
Angelica Chibis chapter 29 . 10/14/2013
in the end, i felt like kenshin doesnt really love kaoru aiiii
kokoronagomu chapter 29 . 1/3/2012
very chilling and suspenseful, i enjoyed the bits of comedy sprinkled about.

in case you haven't heard, they've announced that they're working on a new live action 'rurouni kenshin' movie and they've also announced that they're reanimating part of the 'rurouni kenshin' manga! happy news ) - the sneak preview of the live action movie \o/ follows -please remove space:

youtube v/ObdlLp7gkYA?version3&%3Bhlen_US

a pleasure,


kokoronagomu. deviantart. com

Flippy's chapter 29 . 12/2/2009
Via x Infinito~

Basically, your story is amazing and amazingly well written for a fan fiction. The characters really draw you in and I found myself believing they really existed and everything that was happening to them really did occur. I haven't followed much of Rurouni Kenshin, although I do like it, but I was still able to understand the characters and their relationships to each other. I found myself not wanting to stop reading your story, even when my laptop was dead on batteries, it was just that good! Thank you for creating this and I hope in the future you continue with writing and this story if that is what you want.

Your new fan,

cookie chapter 23 . 8/17/2009
‘Himura Battosai,

I have Kamiya. Come to the Valley View Bridge at 11pm sharp. Not a second before or behind otherwise she dies. As a token of my promise I’ve left proof of what I’m capable of if you do not show.

Bring a weapon of your choice.’

It was 11:01 pm when i read that!

i was like omg she's DEAD.

then i laughed at myself for a while out of stupidity.

tee hee. thought i'd share, love the story. :]
EagleBlaze chapter 29 . 6/28/2009
I loved readying your fanfic :-).

Brukaoru chapter 29 . 5/19/2009
Great job. Very dramatic and the twists were great!
poems2songs chapter 29 . 5/5/2008
wonderful story... lots of drama... really liked it... good job... great work...
ELLIE 31773 chapter 29 . 10/9/2007
wow at last its finish , did you change it in some way because the last time i remember it stop at enshin playing with Kaoru and kenshin seems to be too clueless. hey its a good story and a good ending too.
KB chapter 29 . 6/3/2007
Loved it! So much drama yet you managed to develop each and every one of the main characters to their fullest and tie up all the loose ends. Not to mention that your writing style and pacing kept me riveted to the spot - an excellent work in every single way. Keep it up :)
asdf11 chapter 29 . 4/15/2007
i lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-loved the way u entwined each of the characters' true stories into one of this story. it was wonderFUL and this story is totally going into my favorites list!
Kenji-chan chapter 29 . 3/21/2007
Thank you for this great story I like a lot. _
Miztical-Dragon chapter 29 . 2/12/2007
This was an awesome story! I loved it mucho mucho! I'm kinda speechless.. _ I loved it! lol I really hope that you keep up the fantastic work with other stories like this one! Yar!
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