Reviews for The Wizard of Oz 'The Shameless KH Parody'
yllom21 chapter 1 . 6/22/2006
Oh god! Riku in a dress! Very funny and nicely written, I loved it! I can't wait to see who you have as the other charecters.
Sai-ryo Aura Feana chapter 1 . 9/11/2005


Please continue it!

It's really awesome and great!

Pretty please with sugar ontop and some whipp cream and a cherry for tops!

**does the dreaded sad-puppy-dog eye's**

Please continue and update soon!
Nami-Sees-Something-Shiny chapter 1 . 6/8/2005
Oh, sorry! I didn't know, lol,but I won't take it down no matter what you say! Lol, but yeah, I like torturing the serious ones (wait till you see what I did to Sephiroth X3) Bye!
Rinapants chapter 1 . 3/11/2005
Well I laughed really hgard and I can't wait for Sora to show up!
ChocoChick87 chapter 1 . 12/18/2004
BWAHAHAHA! OMG, this is the funniest KH fic I've ever read! Can't wait for more! Some suggestions:

Sora as the Scarecrow (total naivety _)

Knight Heartless for the tin man (well, who would want a heart more than a Heartless?)

Leon as the cowardly Lion (yeah, I know that's really OOC, but then again, so is everyting else! Besides, there's that Lionheart thingy.)
Maniac chapter 1 . 12/14/2004
Why Kairi witch?Why Tidus dog?Why riku in dress?Why dog leg humper?I mean,why is everyone beating on Kairi man?It really ticks me of!All in all very ,I'd like to make a few geusses on the other characters.

Loin:Donald Duck

Tin Man:Goofy



wizard's door gaurd(The crying one):Squall

Flying monkeies:Heartless

If any or correct,why are you bashing on Sora?

Alkist chapter 1 . 12/11/2004
Geez, you must hate Kairi and want to have a yaoi pairing... well, in any case, heres my part. Youd better make Riku get rid of the dress soon (Really, Im finding it easier to imagine an angry Aeris than a crossdressing Riku) so that I dont stop reading. (I am not a fan of crossdressing people. Nor of guy/guy pairings for the sake of looking good. Those things suck.)

Im pretty sure I know who the other 3 guys are... the rest of the trio perhaps?
Candace chapter 1 . 12/4/2004
I luff you! *huggle*

*cough* ...don't ask o.O
Rune of the Wind chapter 1 . 12/3/2004
yay! XD the loverlyness of xdressing Riku!.._ more!
Aoi Nikko chapter 1 . 12/3/2004
Hee hee, very cute! I got several good laughs outta this one...but you already know that! I told you already! But just because I want you have lotsa reviews, here I am saying it again! _ Keep it up girl, this is so much fun to read!
