Reviews for Remember
SakuraAtHome chapter 22 . 5/15
Beautiful. Very well done, although I doubt the actual Sasuke would have been that psycho now u know repentance etc. But obv. different and beautiful telling of the story... I CRIED SO MUCH BUT IM HAPPY!
Guest chapter 22 . 5/11
I agree with recent reviews, no one is likable in your story and Sakura and Sasuke are both horribly messed up, there is no love at all in their relationship, and the forgiveness is too easy. I have to say it wasn’t clear why Sasuke was so horrible to sakura at all, I know he had mental problems, but he wanted her and didn’t want her? That’s odd! I liked that Sasuke was honest with his daughter about his demons though.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/8
This story paints a sag, abuse filled image of a married relationship based on obsessive Sakura and a mentally disturbed Sasuke. You should have treated this concept carefully and not a romantic rape and abuse fantasy.

This story has great unmet potential, destroyed by the wierd way you view the relationship between both of them to be 'loving', which it clerarly is not.
Ginger.p chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
The plot is interesting, but the abuse is totally romanticized. Both Sasuke and Sakura need professional help, especially her, in my opinion. You don't "just forget" something like that, ever
This is not a healthy relationship. Love neither," if I dare to say
156 chapter 22 . 12/12/2019
First time reading this and I have to say that I applaud yoyr writing skills. Its one of the best, i can feel the anguish, fear, happiness and so many emotions in your. But as much as i like your writing skills, i really do hate everyone in this story, i hate how little they think about abuse. Hopefully you dont think the same as a writer and its all just a sadistic fiction for you.
v.yeesha chapter 19 . 3/3/2019
Sasuke get away too easily
Pia Deli chapter 17 . 2/19/2019
This story treats abuse as if it were something not so bad.
It is worrisome that the author and so many people who leave their reviews think so lightly about the abuse.
Sakura is also mentally ill. "I love him, so I'll forgive him for hitting me." Usually, these cases end with the wife murdered by the husband
Guest chapter 22 . 5/1/2018
Omggg i am crying! The story was amazing and trye, every reader deserves to read such a story ! Thank you so much, though i still think you could make sakura more feminist and worked on herself. But it was great indeed
Lisa chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
Omggggggg this is soooo good ! Why did I find your story so lateeee!
PrettiPanther chapter 22 . 1/27/2018
this is good story and i really enjoyed reading but i have ptsd from my childhood and it caused me to cry continuously because my mom suffered so much with my father and unlike sakura she couldn’t hide it because he was violent towards us too. keep up the good work!
Daledesu chapter 22 . 11/5/2017
So the way I interpret this story is that Sasuke's real problem wasn't that he was an abusive husband, instead he was a patient with mental illness (PTSD, mania)... Love alone couldn't cure it, he needed proper therapy
Li chapter 1 . 9/11/2017
Poor Sakura and sasuke
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13/2017
I have to say, your story seemed like it had potential. It had the potential to be something heartbreaking, emotional, relatable and realistic but while it was emotional it lacked the rationality and sometimes even the irrationality of humans.

I kept reading until the second last chapter because there was still hope that the story could atleast end in a way that would be best for all the characters.

Even the last few chapters you wrote that Sakura said her kids were/are number 1 priority and that she could live without Sasuke but not her children. That gave me hope that a healthy solution could be met.

Someone staying in an abusive relationship "for the sake of the children" is never the right answer and especially not a healthy one, even more so when children have witnessed the abuse. What kind of example is that to the children? How can any of the characters forgive Sasuke so easily? Sakura forging Sasuke so easily and quickly is another display of Sasuke's control and Sakura's submissive behavior.

How did anyone reach a healthy resolution? It's like Tsunade was the only one angry (and even then all she did was give Sasuke a slap on the hand) and everyone else just swept it under the rug.

Other than how unhealthy Sakura and other characters relationship is with Sasuke one of my biggest issues is also that no one gets Sakura out of her abusive relationship but then again, hey, she's trained under Tsunade right? Even became a medical and all so she should have left on her own or just Something.

Even Kakashi was irresponsible telling Sasuke everything just because he asked. He didn't think about the consequences and didn't stop (or even TRY to stop) Sasuke from reaching Sakura. All of the characters are out of character.

This story just frustrates me. Everything about it is unhealthy. And everyone is dangerous, irresponsible, ignorant and naive. Morals and ethics aren't upheld by anyone (regardless of the environment being a ninja village).

I feel like the story was rushed. With some more time and nurturing this story could have been something great.

It greatly concerns me that very few people saw any problems with the story, especially with how it ended.

I really don't mean for this to sound like a flame but I just can't get past those certain issues.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13/2017
I reallu
Stfumarie chapter 17 . 3/16/2017
Terrible story...
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