Reviews for A Dragon's Love
Guest chapter 6 . 6/2/2019
Take all the time you need, I hope you feel better soon.
le.pechi chapter 6 . 4/16/2017
I'm sorry to read what happened to you, so my sincere apologies, from a mere human in Brazil. :)
Hey, I loved your story, and even knowing that it was abandoned I gave it a shot anyway.
I'm so sad it's over, seriously, the moment that Kaoru tried to take the katana off Kenshin, I fell in love with this story.

Well, you said that if it took years, you would continue this story. the last update was in 2005.
I seriously hope that you gain a sudden desire to write more, after all it's been a long time.
I'll be waiting!

And if you wanna just talk to me, I'm here.

Keep writing!
~may the winds of inspiration never cease to blow in your mind~
Isafish chapter 6 . 12/5/2016
I hope that you recover soon. I hope you have a strong supportat home and that you find the strength to keep going. I really admire your writing prowess, but please don't ever feel like you should write at the expense of your health. Get well soon, stranger!; )
maixnaru love chapter 6 . 2/8/2016
Your story is very well written and i hope that you will update one day but the most important thing is your health. You need a lot of rest and a lot of support to heal those king of wounds.i really hope that you're not dead and that when you're completely healed, you'll enjoy life to the fullest and continue your writing. Rest and heal well :)
papapapuffy chapter 6 . 8/20/2014
Great fic I hope you can update this soon!
natysc chapter 6 . 4/4/2014
I hope everything's alright with you and I'll believe your promise that you'll finish this story no matter how many years it takes. :) I'm really looking forward to it !
Fenris Jin chapter 6 . 2/27/2014
Hope you find your peace and create beautiful stories again. :)
Fenris Jin chapter 4 . 2/27/2014
I would have complained about Misao taking over what would have been KK fluff screen time. Luckily though, you didn't throw her in with Aoshi and let Soujiro handle it. So I find myself pacified somewhat. XD
Fenris Jin chapter 3 . 2/27/2014
Kenshin should really stop staring at Kaoru like he's about to eat her alive if he wants her to feel relaxed around him.. LOL

Not that were complaining much. The tension is actually nice. I'm personally just waiting for one of them to crack and jump the other. I bet it would be Kenshin. XD
Fenris Jin chapter 1 . 2/27/2014
It's been awhile since this story has be published and updated.. But I'm still leaving a review. :)

It a well written as far as I can say.. I like how you portrayed Kaoru. It's always nice to see her with a backbone, but not whining. Usually, writers often portray her spunk as someone who ALWAYS has to speak her mind.. It makes her seem immature when it's done. I'm glad it isn't the case here yet (so far, that is).
Darkryubaby chapter 1 . 12/11/2013
I actually really love this story, so it surprises me you never updated again. I did read the chapter 6 note when you first posted it so I know why you stopped and being about 6 or so years later, I hope that things have gotten better for you. That said, I hope you can find it in yourself to update again. If so, wow, happy days.

Happy Holidays,
Tif chapter 6 . 12/1/2013
Update please? _
Elise chapter 6 . 9/4/2013
Cool and good story. I hope you'll recover, get better (or recovered and got better?) and wish you well. Ty for the story.
Little Dango chapter 6 . 7/24/2013
I really love this story. You posted your apology a few years ago, but i still hope you can finish this. Im about to cry because the thought that you might be dead now passed through my head. Even if i don't know you, i wanna cry. You have my best wishes, Little Dango. (P.S. when i get a fanfiction account, my name might be different. I don't know why im telling you this, but i did.)
Lady Of The Sphinx chapter 5 . 6/23/2013
Very interesting story and i'd really like to see it continued!
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