Reviews for Back to Black
Bellatrix Black chapter 17 . 3/29/2018
I have read the last chapter twice and then I started crying. From the beginning of the first chapter the story was captivating and it was obvious that it was going to be beautiful. I must admit I expected a happy ending but the thought of twenty sad and cold years that didn't have to be that way is so heart-breakingly beautiful in its own way. I am so glad I read this story. I don't know if the author still reads the comments but I just hope she never stopped writing and that she will start writing professionally.
Salma2 chapter 17 . 5/18/2017
This story was a pretty good understanding of the way the minds of the death eaters worked. Nicely written!
RonHarryHermione chapter 17 . 12/17/2015
Loved your story. It was one of the best fa fictions I have ever read, about Narcissa's and Lusius, and I've read almost all of them.
I can't wait to hear, your next one about Lusius in dermstrang.

Have you ever though about becoming a writer when you older, because I think you'd be a great one, and I wouldn't pass up a chance to read a book you write.
RonHarryHermione chapter 3 . 12/16/2015
I love your story so far, even though I've only finished the second chapter, And I think your plot is great. But isn't Even Rosier supposed to be Narcissa's cussion from her mothers side, (Drewella Rosier).
arosequartz chapter 17 . 7/9/2014
I just finished reading, and OMG it was so amazingly, beautifully written; even the characters stayed in character. Bravo!
Veridissima chapter 17 . 6/12/2014
Loved it!
This story was so perfect and beautiful
Really like how you developed all the characters, and how full you have made them
Love your description of the Slytherin way
Really like that you actually used Russian, when speaking with Dolohov - really liked him
This last chapters were so sad... but sweet, and full of hope
WiseGirlKnowsAll chapter 17 . 5/10/2014
OMG. This was sooo good! A I love the formal and elegant writing style, their personalities were on point. :)
Jessica chapter 5 . 6/21/2013
I've been reading for a while now and this fic is amazing! I love the complexity and romance in it it really fasinates me! Write more Lucissa fics!
NimbusCentaur chapter 17 . 9/9/2012
You are a really good writer... I loved reading this. I'm looking forward to read some of your other works
NimbusCentaur chapter 5 . 9/7/2012
I really love the story so far. YOU ARE A GREAT WRITER!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/3/2012
This was spectacular. I'm sorta obsessed with the Malfoys and this was PERFECT for finding background information. WRITE MORE!
StarryEyedLove1 chapter 17 . 3/4/2012
Sakurazukamori I would like to begin this review by saying you are one of my favorite authors! I first read Back to Black two years ago and I love that was you portray Narcissa, Lucius, and the rest of the Slytherin crew. I'd appreciate input on my work from a great writer like you, so please check out my story sometime. With Love, Starry**
Zangalewa chapter 10 . 7/19/2010
I must say your story is among the best out there, simply because it looks real. I mean by this, that this is a likely scenario. more loyal to the storyline and the image of the malfoys we've been given throughout the book. I loved the part where narcissa get stunned, and morever the one where she finally sees him after 3 years, the cold lucius is the one I've learn to know, as I said, in the book.I love it, and I am so glad that you finished it, so I didn't sob, throw fist in the air and cry "nooooooo! another amazing story unfinished!" thank you for the story, I had a lot of fun to read it.
star grazing chapter 17 . 2/1/2010
.. this makes me want harry potter to have an alternate ending so that lucius never leaves narcissa XD
throughDeesEyes chapter 14 . 1/15/2010
A great chapter. I loved it;)
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