Reviews for Unlikely Parenthood
Princess-Lazy-Chan chapter 7 . 1/3/2010
this is awesome as :) cant wait for more its really exellent if you do continue with it
Gaming Girl chapter 7 . 6/14/2008
Hey Great story!

r u thinking of updating any time soon?

internet weaver chapter 5 . 3/6/2007
You'd think the extra woman/elite/manpower would give them enough of an edge to stop some minor character deaths.

And isn't the life span of an AI construct severely limited? Cortana, the most advanced AI, was only supposed to last 7.
internet weaver chapter 4 . 3/6/2007
If jackals have poor sight, then why are they the snipers of the covenant army? You'd think they'd have grunts or elites be the snipers, not the jackals.
GalateaStatue chapter 7 . 9/6/2006
Great story! please continue soon :)
Darth Shenomee chapter 7 . 8/2/2006
WOW. I hope that the next CH. will be soon. Sad about Arkanee thou. :(
CrimePayzVS chapter 2 . 8/1/2006
Very Interesting so far. I love it, its just a few errors not with grammer but with the Halo Timeline.

1.)Earth's Outer Colonies are usally production and industry planets. In our current year the Outer Colonies are like Third World Countries. Also the Outer Colonies don't have much Civilian Suburbs or cities just factories and ship yards. The Inner Colonies are the planets you should use for chapter 1 because those planets are usaully the Civilian Populated like Earth.

2.) In the begging of your story you say that in the year 2513 the Covenant attack Mariana's homeworld. Yet the humans FIRST encounter the Covenant in the year 2525.

3.) In Chapter 2 you say that in the year 2513 the brutes take away Mariana's Elite father away from her. Yet the brutes (supposably) are converted to the Covenant around 2535-2552

Your story is awesome but make sure you get the time right and stuff.
Arsenel chapter 7 . 8/1/2006
Didn't alien come (aka Predators) come and help humans build the Pyraminds in exchange for host to carry out their ritual hunts of the unltimate prey, Xenos? or maybe its all that dirt in my backyard that my dad what me clean up? Who knows...

But on a better note the update was really nice, the fact that your now into HALO means that i can finally really follow this fic, i have read the books but nothing beats the games.

The black armour elite? Isn't he that guy John fights on the bridge of the convent flagship after HALO is destoryed?

A little romance is alway good for a fic (i assume that was your intention), makes the world seem more human and your giving Mariana her own staring role in HALO rather than having her follow John all across space, dirt and alien guts.

Still nothing else really to say, good update and glad your enjoyed your vacation... now get back to work and move that limestone brick up that pyramid *cracks whip*, oh and update :)

The One True Koneko chapter 6 . 2/12/2006
Goodie goodie, this is a nice story. I'm working on one like it too so let's compare notes. (_)
Warp Ligia Obscura chapter 6 . 2/8/2006
New chapter whee. Can't wait to see the events of Halo start...
Jadomaster chapter 1 . 2/7/2006
Nice! I love it!

Good: Great idea. You mix the story of HALO up a bit, which I really like. You portray the Covenant well. You keep it fresh with new things happening, which keeps interest going. Characters relationship development is pretty good.

Sudgestions/criticising: You need to work on explaining what happens a little, and just giving more detail. I have this problem too. Some spelling and grammar errors, (I can't spell very well, so don't think I am making fun of you) There are just some lines, in my opinion, of the story that should not be crossed. You cross them. Not really a bad thing, but I just think there are a few things that really should stay cement.
DemonBredChild chapter 6 . 2/6/2006
Write more!
Covenant-Dance117 chapter 1 . 2/5/2006
Although the concept didn't strike me at first, I'm glad I decided to give it a chance. Your writing style is really cool! Keep it up~
Darth Shenomee chapter 6 . 2/5/2006
I have alwaysed wonderd what it woud be like for a humane to be rased by the covenant. What I am wondering now is how is Mariana going to meet here fater and how are they going to know who each other are?
Air Slasher chapter 1 . 2/5/2006
Very nice chapter. I like your plot idea aswell.
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