Reviews for Karana Magical School of the Warrior
Tuti chapter 3 . 7/8
This is a good story. Harry does not go to Hogwarts and goes to Karana, which is a Japanese based school.
TheHuntresss chapter 3 . 3/28
You stated in an authors note earlier that you were going to finish this story and chance of an update?
LBII chapter 3 . 3/7/2019
Excellent story ! Since the author has left this alone for 13 years, I would love to see one of you skilled writers pick this up and finish it. It is a great start with only a few inconsistencies.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
You said you were going to finish this but somehow I kind of doubt that. Last update was 01/16/2005. It's now 10/18/2017. That makes it almost twelve years since anything was posted for this. Thus I'm calling this a very dead fic. Which it such a shame as I see so much potential in it. You started off by getting Harry out of the zoo then out of the control of the Primary Dark Lord ( NOT VOLDEMORT! ). And yes I do think of the ol' brainless bearded wonder blunder as the Primary Dark Lord in Britain. He knew or suspected Harry's scar was a Horcrux but consulted no other human nor magical race about removing it. Had the ol' brainless bearded wonder blunder thought to ask the Goblins it is extremely likely they could've removed it without having to kill Harry. They DO deal with cursed objects from ancient tombs which includes dealing with Horcruxes. Now surely a school like Karana has a follow on school similar to college or university that Harry could attend for a few more years. That might actually force the ol' brainless bearded wonder blunder to get off his bony old ass and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes. The Phonecy( phony prophecy ) doesn't say WHICH Dark Lord Harry's destined to kill. The ol' brainless bearded wonder blunder had TEN years to do something to prevent Voldemort's return but instead he wasted them doing nothing. The whole way the supposed prophecy was given is thrown into doubt when you ask yourself why the ol' brainless bearded wonder blunder interviewed Trelawny in a bar know for having Death Eaters hanging out and drinking? Why did he interview all the other applicants for teaching jobs in his office where it was secure? Why was Snape allowed to escape after listening at the door where the interview was taking place? Remember it was a time of war and anyone caught spying would normally be questioned. The only answer that makes sense is that the ol' brainless bearded wonder blunder wanted Voldemort to get the first part. It then becomes obvious that he intended to sacrifice one if not both families. Anything so he doesn't get their blood on his hands. He could also be after either or both families assets. Though in this as Harry hasn't had an audit done on his vaults there's no evidence to show he is.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/12/2017
Interesting story...WRITE MORE PLEASE
ShulkXMelia23 chapter 1 . 3/13/2017
It is ok not great if there where more chapters I would probably continue reading after the first chapter but at thispoint with only 3 chapters and the story being mediocre I just don't want to continue don't be discouraged though it has potential
Bronze chapter 3 . 2/10/2017
I am so sorry to see this allowed to die! It was interesting to read and I was enjoying it. I do have to wonder if in the end, after Voldemort was truly dead and Harry victorious, would Dumb-As-A-Door be sitting in a corner crying as Harry took credit for killing that thing?
Bronze chapter 1 . 2/10/2017
Sorry to say but it's now 02/10/2017 and the last update was 01/26/2005. Unfortunately making this a long dead fic. I say I'm sorry simply because this and so much potential. Harry escaping ol' Dumb-As-A-Door and getting a superior education well outside Britainis a good idea and one I really like. The old fraud and his supposed greater good which is only truly meant for himself would only hold any and every student that attends back. Then when you add in the fact that the whole damn country is probably several centuries behind the modern age you get garbage in and garbage out. How else do you explain the whole concept of blood purity? Now I can see breeding to make the family magics stronger. But when taken to the extreme as has been done, they're now weakening it to the point they're producing more squibs then magicals. Continuing on down this road means there won't be any magical children to send to Hogwash in a few generations. Hell! The Purebloods aren't even producing enough children to replace their numbers. It would seem that the inbreeding is also making them stupider as time goes on.
Mitsukini Haninozuka chapter 3 . 1/30/2017
More chapters please?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
I really like this story and wish there was more. Is there any chance of you continuing it.
2424 chapter 3 . 2/8/2016
This story has really good ideas but the ideas need expansion. Please continue to write and complete the fric.
SakuraKoi chapter 3 . 9/6/2015
So good
Shire Fey chapter 1 . 4/10/2015
I am sorry to see this hasn't been updated in so long it seems like a very interesting story and I would love to know more. If you don't plan on finishing it but have some idea where you were going to go with it I would love to know if only to quench my desire to see how it ends.
Best of Luck on Other Stories!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
This is slash right
Guest chapter 3 . 5/30/2014
this is stupid. i thought harry wanted to show that he wasn't to be pushed around by dumble. but then he just accepted the position of dada teacher without protest. and i thought he was to be a student... he is just making himself a chess piece to be manipulated. well...
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