Reviews for Blindsided
gaytard6969 chapter 1 . 11/25/2014
Man, it's hard to believe that this fic is already 10 years old... it's still amazing, though!
Guest chapter 19 . 2/20/2013
Y is this rated m?
xkayami chapter 19 . 1/11/2013
I love this story so much like ohmergawd. You did an amazing job on it. Love it! Thanks for writing it Hehehe, 2013 review ;)
gaytard6969 chapter 19 . 7/21/2011
(Claps hands slowly) O.M.F.G. This is one of the best stories that I've ever read... omfg... (Goes into fangirl frenzy) I loved it!
xDESATIVADOx chapter 1 . 6/19/2011


Awsome! Really, the fic is perfect! Congrats!

Thank you!

Fedski chapter 19 . 6/6/2011
a beautiful story, congrats!
ELENIOFME chapter 19 . 8/15/2009
this story was amazing loved it
GRAVYLOVER chapter 19 . 4/2/2009
Cyan Angel chapter 19 . 4/2/2008

and your right! when you get those really annoying people who are all like "they should breath through their nose" don't they realise that's the perfect way to kill the mood?

OH! so fab! i completly love this story and can't wait to get started on the sequel! :)


p.s i wanted to start a fanfic of my own but i've never written before do you have any pointers i can use to help me get started?

Thank you, BYE!
Cumcakesxxxx chapter 19 . 2/3/2008

So what it I'm about two years late to reveiw?

That was really amazing.

You've mentioned in the ANs a few times though that Yuki was OOC.

. I don't think so.

I mean, if ANY YukixShuichi fic had EVER kept Yuki ENTIRLEY in character...well, it wouldn't get ANYWHERE. You've made him true to his character, but just slight moderations so that the romance can actually MOVE.

Maki Murakami made him to much of a callous bastard to make YukixShu fics an easy write.


Back to the prases, eh?

I totally loved reading that from start to finish. I also loved the way you made the story center around Yuki, and Yuki's feelings. Thats usually not the case. I mean, hes hard to write, and Shuichi is...well...okay, TOTALLY FUN TO WRITE!

But you still managed to get the best Gravi fic even while usuing 3rd Persom Omniscent, with Yuki as the main!

I LOVFFLES YOUR STORY, and I can expect to reread in the near future!

lover chapter 19 . 1/19/2008
this was so good!
Golden.Couture chapter 1 . 1/2/2008
Probably one of the best Gravitation fanfics I have ever read, and one of the best fics I've read period. Yes, Yuki was a tad OOC, but it flowed well with the story so it wasn't bad. I liked the fact that you twisted the plot the way you did; it had me reading all the way to the end in one sitting. And above all, it was such a sweet story that it had me smiling at the end. You are an awesome writer, and Wonderful job with this story! You rock! -
suteffani chapter 19 . 10/7/2007
WOW! Amazing story! I LOVED It! So original as well!

And don't worry about finishing your story on your 19th birthday on the 19th chapter, it isn't that corny! Actually that's what I'm planning to do with my story! Hehe Anyways awesome story and Keep Up The Good Work! _
min chapter 19 . 9/30/2007
WAH! it was all a conspiracy plotted by the evil editor!...loved it by the way
whimsical-elegance chapter 19 . 6/4/2007
aww... what a touching story.

love the way you wrote his editor, it's hilarious.

great job!

i'll be reading ur sequel.
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