Reviews for The Chronicles of Condo
Nightly Halo chapter 3 . 3/25/2008
lol, i love this xD update soon!

Nightly Halo chapter 2 . 3/25/2008
lmao! i love this
Nightly Halo chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
omfgbbqlmao! -favs-
Mutinous chapter 3 . 6/17/2005

Dark Link: Well you sure took your sweet time to review.

Silver: Eh T_T Truthfully, I did notice the update a lot earlier. The day I intended to review, the site was being it's usual faggy self and wouldn't let me... *pout*

Dark Link: Oh sure, just go and blame the site as usual.

Silver: _ IT'S THE SITE'S FAULT FOR EVERYTHING! It's the site's fault that our only means of communication other than computer is in my head. It's the site's fault I don't drive a silver lexis. It's the site's fault that next year I will be grey and old and spend my free time playing tetris.

Dark Link: But damn is this story funny.

Silver: *perks up* _ Hey, great entertainment. No, really, lately I've been feeling really crappy. It was great to have the chance to read something from you again. The other day I also went through The Troublesome Quest for Sanity. Good times, good times.

Dark Link: Yuppers! And now we shall go have a coffee break.

Silver: Customary for us nocturnal freaks to have our dosage of caffein every 10 minutes or so. Ciao, and whatever you do, DON'T DIE ON US QUEENIE! Keep updating!

~Silver & DL
E04 chapter 3 . 6/6/2005
Wow, great work! Very good work! Extreme comedy is always good! You know, laughing helps you lose weight(I don't know how, though)? And it helps reduce wrinkle development! It was a pleasure reading your work here, I hope to read more, soon!

omnipotent otaku chapter 3 . 6/2/2005
WHEE! AN UPDATE! :D:D:D *does a random happy dance* twas so funny! _
BlackSkulDragon chapter 3 . 6/1/2005
This fanfic is one of the funniest I've ever read. I look foward to future chaptersl.
Lorilei Mackenzie chapter 2 . 1/31/2005
It IS interesting! VERY interesting! Keep writing please? *puppy eyes*
Lorilei Mackenzie chapter 1 . 1/31/2005
Nice! Does this story take place before any of them have...*dramatic pause* FANGIRLS? Or well, in Zelda's case, fanguys. By the way your English isn't bad not like some people's that I've seen and some of them actually live here! *gasp*
Ziven chapter 2 . 12/27/2004
This wasn't as good as the first chap, but I still laughed.

"will return, for I am the darkness..."
Ziven chapter 1 . 12/27/2004
This was hilarious! You are one of the rare talented people who can make a parody from a live action game. I adore you!

"I will return, for I am the darkness..."
Kitaliah chapter 2 . 12/27/2004

stupid crazy gerudo..make him come home drunk or something..that'll be funny!
Mutinous chapter 2 . 12/11/2004
Silver: *Humming random Christmas tunes* NEARLY CHRISTMAS! w00t!

Dark Link: Well now after reading this I know what to get Ganny for Christmas. A box of kittens )

Silver: So what? He could torture them? T.T If anything Queenie should have the kittens because they're cute, fluffy and make great pets!

Dark Link: *Gags* Whatever.

Silver: Haha, well anyway I really enjoyed this. Hope you update soon, your highness )

Dark Link: *Clears throat* One last thing...

Host of Zelda Characters: Have a merry merry Christmas! XD

~Silver, DL and the Zelda freaks...
omnipotent otaku chapter 2 . 11/24/2004
XDD FUNNY AS HELL! *laughs hystarically*

(i would've reviewed sooner but my computer's been evil to me... i think it worships satan)
The Right Hand Of Fate chapter 2 . 11/20/2004
Heh, nice one, this is really good. I like the concept as well, its nice and fresh instead of just plain random, but random is always good lol. Keep up the great work!
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