Reviews for Queen of Pirates
Fanwriterf chapter 20 . 8/29/2016
Well. This was an interesting story. I liked it to be honest, I really think you captured Jack perfectly. However I do have a few nitpicks.

ending. Like I said this story was very good. However the ending just ruined it for me. I mean through the whole story Tetra says that she isn't a slut and regrets it when she and Link have sex. Yet here we are at the end and it's like she's changed her thoughts on it. Says she regrets sleeping with Link yet she's still going to when ever she can. Says she's not a slut yes is going to go back and forth between sleeping with Link and Jack. Basically allowing them to take turns with her when ever they run into the other.

2. They say over at the end that they don't love each other when it's clear that they do. Tetra even says you not loving me makes me love you even more.

3. She's a bitch after she and Link do it. The second time they did it I felt really bad for Link. I understand they did it because they were drunk but still she acts like she had no part in it and lashes out at Link breaking his heart.

4. There were a few things Link did that just seemed way to out of character and one of them really irritated me. The part where Tetra says she would cover for him and deny that they knew eachother. And he basically says "yeah sure if you'd do that to protect my rep that would be cool." I wanted to stop reading after that. I just don't see Link saying that to anyone least of all his best friend and girl he loves.

There are a few others but these were the main ones. Once again great story, a job well done. But that ending really destroyed the rest.
Lionmanepoc chapter 20 . 1/13/2014
I'm with a few of your other reviewers on the ending. The compromise on the game of tag between tetra and link was perfect. The moment you added jack messed up what the story set up and contradicted your characters. Overall it left a bad taste in my mouth and its the reason i don't want to favorite this. This is a story with an ending i don't want to reread. In future fics try to stay true to a character you have made. You even made it a point that tetra wouldn't do stuff like that with jack down near the end when they kissed for their cover. But a couple days later changed her mind? Doesn't flow right. And honestly left me disappointed in the ending. Sorry for bitching especially because i loved the rest. All of the jokes and even when it got serious. Only thing besides the end that bothered me was how link took all the blame for tetra and his overnight incidents. She always started it and lead him to believe something that she didn't feel just to drop him like he messed up and he's the bad guy for being angry and reacting in the only way he can because of his military positron? Doesn't make sense really. I guess i see tetra as more of a person that can admit when she's screwed up too with all her wisdom. And not just in a we shouldn't have slept together way, but also in a maybe I'm being a heartless bitch who is crushing her best friend way. Again sorry for the angry response but so much of this story was really good just to get ruined by the bad. Good story idea though.
Bodacious Bovine chapter 20 . 8/29/2013
This is so AWESOME! I love this soo much! it's so rare to find such an excellent story that ends up so wonderfully almost polyamorous! I love polyshipping and there are so few who do it well! Awesome story and great ending. I love good friendship stories more than anything else and this was just perfect. love it love it love it.
GeminiAlchemist chapter 20 . 12/27/2011
I have to say, this was one Hell of a fic, until the very last scene. You changed everything in the story with that last scene, and made it seem like the morals were twisted.

The entire story was Tetra wanting to be free, or die, and Link wanting to protect Tetra, even if it meant taking her freedom. Both tried their hardest to succeed. It was an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force. It seemed nothing could change that. And in the end, they knew nothing could change that. You captured the perfect relationship between pirate and hero. They would simply meet up, whenever they could, because they couldn't stop being who they were enough to stay together and actually have a relationship.

And then that last scene at the end of the chapter threw that out the window. She'll be sleeping with both Link and Jack(at least, that's what is hinted at) and neither seem to have a problem with it, in fact, they make a game out of it. They take that sorta romantic game of tag that Link and Tetra set up, where they'll see each other as much as possible, as long as they stay in the same areas, and messed with it, making it a game of "who can keep Tetra to themselves the longest" between Jack and Link. The entire story, Tetra insists she's not a whore, or a Harlot, but in the end, she really just comes off as that, and just that.

As... what's his name, "A True Radical Dreamer" said, this story leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But just the end. The VERY end. That "last scene in Tortuga" very end. The rest was thought out, and rather awesomely written. I liked all the little jokes, like with Link giving Jack his hat back, because he knows about hats. Hilarious. Jack Sparrow was written awesomely, and I felt you captured a lot of Tetra and Link's characters, but of course, as an older, possible way they would act.

All in all, I give this story 7 out of 10. it was a great crossover, well thought out, well written, and kept everyone relatively in character. However, the ending left something to be desired, and to be honest, I felt you should have just left out the final scene, as it took off over a point on my "good fic rater." Good bye, and I hope to read more from you later on.
Dash Handsome chapter 20 . 12/12/2009
Im your 100th reveiwer! Great story! Other telink storys: Hes a pirate, Past Present and Future, and Between the Two. Its a trilogy. Read it in that order.
Rawr Power chapter 20 . 12/18/2008
The first story I've read to truly deserve the genre name of general. A little bit of everything, love (or w/e the hell it is Link and Tetra have...), epic pirate battles, cleverly done plans and political skulduggery, in a story about the obligations of friendship and love, and the worth of a person, whether a pirate or an emperor. And I must say, watching Link make a complete farce of the legal system and the authority of Felicitovente as a whole made my day :)
AnonymousNavi chapter 9 . 7/13/2007
‘Sounds like a plan. I could definitely use a drink, or two. Or twelve.’

That was my favorite part. _
AnonymousNavi chapter 7 . 7/13/2007
Gah! Ok, I'm dying to know. What were Link and Tetra saying?
AnonymousNavi chapter 6 . 7/13/2007
... I have nothing to say... but I just have this habit of reviewing after chapters and stuff... so... good story!
AnonymousNavi chapter 5 . 7/13/2007
Dun dun dun!
AnonymousNavi chapter 4 . 7/13/2007
I knew it! I knew it! When Tetra said she wanted to try this is what first popped into my head! XD
AnonymousNavi chapter 3 . 7/13/2007
Dang, I like this story! Your good at keeping Jack in character too. _
AnonymousNavi chapter 2 . 7/13/2007
Wow. I usually don't take intrest in crossovers but this one is good and the too stories work well with each other. _
AnonymousNavi chapter 1 . 7/13/2007
Aww, I like it. _
True Radical Dreamer chapter 20 . 2/10/2007
I have to tell you in the bluntest terms I can think of that this story pissed me the hell off. Don't get me wrong, it's written very professionally and I can tell that you are a talented writer but that does not gloss over the fact that the ending of this fiction left me with such a bad taste in my mouth that it has tainted every other LoZ fan fic that I have read since I finished this.

Wonderful main story, wonderful plot, wonderful supporting cast, horrible ending. Some people might like it, I won't ruin it for them if they read reviews first, but to me it is very forced, like you wanted it at the end but didn't want to set up the story for it.

Sorry if this comes off as mean or cruel, but even two months after I was duped into reading this I can't help but get angry when I think of it. Just a warning to people looking for a pure Link/Tetra pairing in this: you will get just as pissed as I am when you finish with this.
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