Reviews for She Had Been Happy Once
DimpleCurlAeternaGirl chapter 1 . 1/19/2018
Poor Kate. Tragic past. Well written with imagery on the farm. It can belike that, beautiful, peaceful and makes one feel connected to the earth, animals and more. She was protective and had good reason. It's interesting she's trying to show Jack she had been happy once. The observation is good. Even though she could disagree with him, there were moments she seemed to want his approval or attention, even in when teasing him, like busting him checking her out.

I like how you ended it with the analogy on puzzle pieces and then with the same sentence you began the one-shot with. It almost makes it poetic. Well done! Thanks for posting this!
Coquus In A Hat chapter 1 . 10/27/2004
I really liked that idea about why Kate was in jail. I was so mad that they didn't tell us on the show! Urg! Evil people. Oh well, I'm sure we'll find out eventually, and I think this might be it! Loves it! ~Punkin
Gaelfire chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
That's an interesting story. I want to know what Kate did to get caught by the FBI and get a mug shot, but the show refuses to tell us, gosh darn it. *sigh* Maybe we'll find out sooner or later. It's bound to happen soon...
melodie568 chapter 1 . 10/14/2004
awesome story it is really good keep writing.
Beach chick chapter 1 . 10/14/2004
That was good and sad at the same time. I like your interpretation of what she had done.
canwedance chapter 1 . 10/14/2004
aww. i love you and how that was just so good.
Lucie chapter 1 . 10/14/2004
Me Again! That was really good. I really enjoyed it, especially since stupid J.J. can't pull himself together long enough to tell us what really went down.
Fantasy Cat chapter 1 . 10/14/2004
thank you for my Lost fanfic fix! It's cool that someone came up with a theory to what Kate's crime couldve been since it doesnt seem likely that we're gonna know