Reviews for Easy to Love
Neville James chapter 1 . 9/29/2019
Hi there! In love with this story and wondering if you’d finished it? I’d really love to read the rest. Please let me know if you have the time. - Ky
AncillaryJustice chapter 1 . 6/27/2019
Read this story years ago and I loved it, still do As far as I am concerned you have done everything right. I don't know if you will ever see this but I just wanted to put it out there how much I like your writing style. Too bad it's not more, I understand you must have your reasons. If you see this feel free to contact me as I would really like to hear from you. Im curious about what has become of you
middlechild274 chapter 5 . 8/1/2015
Awww! Are you still alive? I want an update!
ferret assassin nin chapter 5 . 8/26/2013
Wow. I absolutely love Henry and Dave! It's like a constant comedy act between those two or something. I like this idea as it's fresh, it's interesting, and it certainly falls into place perfectly with plenty of thought. I love the wizarding school you added in along with its staff and students. I've always seen Percy as being more of a teacher than a ministry worker, in all honesty. In fact, I wondered why Percy stayed with the ministry after everything that had happened. I love both Percy and Oliver's mothers' reactions to the news. Candy Cane is a very interesting name for a reporter as I wouldn't expect it but that detail really adds to the comical side of the story. I love how the team is perfectly accepting of Oliver's and Percy's "relationship". I can tell you're having fun writing this story and I don't blame you. Call it the author and writer in me, but I got different ideas just from reading this story. However, I would never in my life take another writer's story and add things to it; I just mentioned it because I find it funny how involved I've gotten in your story. It's very well developed, it's very entertaining, and I like this Percy and Oliver and Dave and Henry friendship going on. I absolutely love it. I think Henry's my favorite character, however. :D

Above all, this is brilliant story and I believe you have amazing creative genius and a wonderful senses of humor. So, I look forward to the next chapter! :D

ferret nin

PS: My mood has been bad recently and this story just literally brightened my day. Thank you.
Zoran chapter 1 . 7/10/2011
hi I know you deleted your journal, but won't you please upload your stories here for us to continue to read? that would be awesome. your fan
tpgdtq chapter 5 . 4/29/2011

Christylove chapter 5 . 4/28/2009
I absolutely loved this. It's now 2009, but it stops at chapter 5.

I was soo sad! Well, I wanted to let you know that this fanfic has been amazing (probably the best out of all the ones I've read, and I've read soo many), and I hope that you will one day finish it.

Much love,

xSadistxFujix chapter 5 . 6/19/2008
I wish you would continue this! But I think its safe to say you aren't? Damn. This is a REALLY good story! Love it! Hope you continue with it!
dreamer4life3 chapter 1 . 6/28/2007
I have a he gay? or isnt he?

sry i just confused alot
Feromone chapter 5 . 11/5/2006
and then there were none...:( no more chapters and ot was so much fun. Anyway love the chapters am still in love with the curls PLEASE do NOT let percy cut his hair in this story

hope you updat really really soon but for now I'll add this to my favourtie stories hope to read from you soon :)
Feromone chapter 4 . 11/5/2006
I haven't said this before but i also really like the fact that your chapters are always so long. I also just saw that you strated this in 2004 and it is now 2006 well, either you are working on other things or you just can't finish this one for some reason,b ur please tell me what i need o do to get you motivated because long curly haired percy plus a smitten oliver are really just the best and i would love to see the end of this story eventhough i still have 2 chapter before there is nothing left anymore. Anyway love the story and by finishing i don't mean 2 more chapters and call it a day, you could make this a 15-20 chapter one as long as you updat at least once every three months (note the please here, which is nowhere in sight oh there it is-) pretty please with cherrys on top? /\ yea cherries!

0 0

on with the nexty chapter
Feromone chapter 3 . 11/5/2006
aw i feel so sorry for percy but it seems that oliver has already taken a liking to him, in a special way other than being friends and the lines in this one “I’d shag the lot in a heartbeat.” that one was so funny and "Not that I’d leave here first without seeing Perce." that one was so cute especially with the discription of his feelings following shortly after. And the fact that percy's hair is long-ish curly and (dark?) red that is by far my favourite combination! simply love the story so

and now i'm of to read the rest
Feromone chapter 2 . 11/5/2006
really nicly written especially the part well, let's say i thought oliver was going to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth but thankfully dave came in and now he (oliver) has a 'date' (dare i call it that yes i do) anyway nice turn because i at least did not see that one coming
Feromone chapter 1 . 11/5/2006
Oh I love this story already seeing as this is my favourite pairing (and remus/sirius of course it's a tie) and the description of percy aw so cute, And now on with the story
queenofthelameos chapter 5 . 10/15/2006
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