Reviews for The Lion King 3: Royal Journey
Guest chapter 14 . 6/26
Η βιτανη σε ολη την φαση ειναι αρρωστη;
Pokelionmangagir chapter 1 . 5/5
Great story! Love it! Hope you had fun making it!
King Taka chapter 43 . 1/4
Wait, what about Vitani?
King Taka chapter 29 . 1/4
Death of the Black Pride is finally defeated, Thresh died as a hero, Kivu is saved, and Kiara and Kovu are finally together. What will happen next?
King Taka chapter 14 . 1/4
I dunno how to react to this. I guess it can't be considered cheating since Tome left Jana since he didn't love her anymore. I think that in real life if you don't like your spouse anymore or like someone else, then you should leave them rather than cheating on them. And Tome decided that it was the best course of action so I say that he just made a mistake. And I fear jana will be a villain soon.
King Taka chapter 12 . 1/4
oooH, drama. But I'm not sure if I should ship Tome x Vitani, since Tome is already married. I mean in real life, people like this are frowned upon, and people like Tome are almost no better, but this IS a series and not real life sooo...
King Taka chapter 11 . 1/4
Wow, I like this chapter! It... just, wow! And I love you actually managed to censor Kiara and Kovu having sx. Normally in most fanfictions, it's either VERY explicit, or it's completely hidden at all, but this was perfect.
dang-punk chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
This was one of the first FanFiction I read back in high schooland also one of my most cherished. It took me years to get an account but I can finally save this story (and your others) in my favorites.
Kanyanta Mwansa chapter 10 . 11/12/2018
Nothing really special, but still decent. 5/10
Kanyanta Mwansa chapter 9 . 11/12/2018
Alright my suspension of disbelief is totally shattered. Really? In the last part there was suspense and now it's totally downed. 2/10
Kanyanta Mwansa chapter 8 . 11/12/2018
I love suspense! 10/10!
Kanyanta Mwansa chapter 7 . 11/12/2018
As I read more and more I notice this isn't about Vitani wanting to fall in love. It's about her wanting someone to love her back. Since Zira raised her to be a killer, she didn't get any love, or respect. Her father was dead so she was stuck with Zira. Even after Zira dies, Vitani wants affection in her life, which is something she never got as a cub. And she also wants to fall in love so she'll have cubs, and love them. Because of my realization, I give this part, a 9.9/10.
Kanyanta Mwansa chapter 6 . 11/12/2018
While I am still pissed about Timon and Pumbaa's death, I am interested in Vitani's story. I just hope her original character remains intact with this love story
I rate this 5/10.
Kanyanta Mwansa chapter 5 . 11/12/2018
You still cannot do this! You cannot give 2 characters very little scenes, make them unlikeable just because of your opinion on them, regardless of the characters' fate later on, and then just kill them off and bring this much sympathy to them. It comes across as disgusting and pathetic and honestly, it comes off as lazy since you're willing to kill them off THIS early, but you won't work enough to make their deaths mean something. And I doubt this was intentionally, just because of how everyone takes it seriously, and how tame of a tone it feels. Either lighten the tone, or better develop the characters to fit the tone. I don't really have an opinion on Vitani's romance story, but as I read through this I fear something not for the better.
I rate this 3/10.
Kanyanta Mwansa chapter 4 . 11/12/2018
This is terrible. In The Lion King, Mufasa's Death scene was considered dark, but it was taken with care, and that was because the movie tried hard to make Mufasa likable to make his death have meaning. But here we only see 2 scenes of them before they are mauled and eaten. And both of them showed Timon as annoying, and selfish, and sarcastic, and here we're supposed to sympathize with them!? That's a terrible example of character development. I felt nothing but disgust when I first read this. And killing Timon and Pumbaa?! I saw the disclaimer on the last part which just brings another strike to you. You could've kept them alive and like this, but tone down their attitude, and make them like their Lion King selves, instead of making them unlikeable, and later killing them off as an act of sympathy.
I also noticed Vitani's lament in the beginning, which is a little out of character for me. In The Lion King 2, Vitani was obedient towards her mother, but after Nuka's death, and hearing Kiara's words she noticed that they were a part of the Pride. There was no hint that she wanted romance. But since you give Vitani more credit I can't say this is the worst part. But it's still pretty bad.

I rate this 2.0/10
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