Reviews for Remnants of blue
An outdated meme chapter 1 . 12/26/2016
I really liked both stories! Both of them are really good! Thank you for writing a sequel.
Shinju chapter 1 . 2/3/2007
I'm writing this in review of both Out Of The Blue and Remnants Of The Blue. I enjoyed these stories so much. It really opened my eyes on Yami Bakura and Tea's relationship. Those two stories you wrote of the couple left me wanting more. Please, please consider writing a sequel of Remnants Of The Blue- or a tri-quel, or trilogy. Even if its short, even if you lost interest in the Yu-gi-oh! series, please conclude Yami Bakura and Tea's love, or lust for each other. Your story was my favorite out of all other Yami Bakura pairings I've read out there. Okay, excluding the yaoi relationships with his hikari, which unfortunately doesn't leave much Bakura x [please insert female character here] possibilities left, but still- You get my point, right? Right? o_o"

I really hope you take this review into consideration, I know I'm not the only one out there who would really enjoy one final story of Yami Bakura and Tea. And if not, thank you anyways for gracing my existence with this beautifully written, romantic fanfiction.

unknown80 chapter 1 . 10/28/2004
Vaz1201: _ Thank you! It was so sweet and a magnifacint One-Shot of the real thing! _ Bakura so sweet in this and as well WAY to fast on Anzu! _ Loved it! Sorry I could ever computer didn't let me..._ I am now! So yes it was great!

-Vaz1201 signing out-

(Demona not here, right now)
Chi Yagami chapter 1 . 9/20/2004
Lovely! I always loved "Out of the Blue" & this one's great too! You should write another sequel to this one! lol Wonderful story
DojomistressAmbyChan chapter 1 . 9/18/2004
OMG A SEQUAL! *Happy happy not even failing japanese could bring me down happy* well ok maybe failing could. But so happy! And very very cute and even a bit naughty - Anyway loved it so PLEASE PLEASE update it soon!
Melimea chapter 1 . 9/16/2004
AWSOME! So glad you decided to do a sequal...oh shot thingy! It was great...hehe...and so, things? yea. Anyway. You are an awsome auther and I hope you continue to write. Byes!

Risen Angel Of Hell chapter 1 . 9/16/2004
Cool One-shot,it was great and kinda pervy at how Bakura was going trying to go to the next level with Anzu. Anway loved it bye bye.
reenas-as chapter 1 . 9/16/2004
Wow, a little more... umm... interesting than the last one. I liked it though. Sadly it's up in the PG though, so I can't post it on my site :( Only PG between married people there ~_ ANyway, jsut one correction. The day at the park would be a "fateful" day, not a "faithful" one. Oh... and at the end where you say "He was standing still for a few moments." it should be "he stood still for a few moments." Gotta watch those tenses _~ but hey, you're way better than more native English speakers I've read. Tenses are evil...