Reviews for Burial
P'tfami chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
A somewhat melodramatic take on the book, but there are a few inconsistencies, namely, Christine's kiss on Erik forehead & the ring found on Erik's skeleton in the celler.

Other than this, it was a pretty decent effort of Christine's state of mind since the kidnapping, and of the closure she received on his death.

I'm also extremely grateful that you haven't taken the goshawful version of ALW Phantom. I always felt Gaston Leroux's original story showed more believable characters than the former.
The Scorpion chapter 1 . 9/21/2004
Ah, that was very enjoyable :) I liked how you mixed versions and yet kept it so seamless. It was little too close to the originals at some points (would have liked to see you keep it in your own words entirely for the sake of originality). But other than that, thought it was grand! You wrote very well from Christine's point of view, keeping her innate strength as well as her vulnerability without the narrative ever sounding detached.

The ending was most touching and I especially loved Erik's words "I'm not made of stone." ah :)

Anyhow, good job! I would love to see more of you around this section!
Blonde Songbird chapter 1 . 9/19/2004
Oh! That was simply *fantastic* But you should post this under 'Books' and under 'Phantom of the Opera' - that's where all the obsessive POTO phans are You'll get so much more reviews if you post it there! This is such a wonderful phic, and it is very well-done. Nice writing and you captured the characters perfectly. So sad! *sniffs* Keep up the great work! *adds to favorites*