Reviews for Playing the Role
geotic chapter 2 . 9/2/2019
[giggle] Lovely imagery!
GrimsyInWonderland chapter 2 . 7/20/2017
Well it's been a while since u wrote the fic lol so I don't know if I should hold much hope for a 3rd chapter ... BUT I WOULD REALLY LOVE ONE
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
Guest chapter 2 . 5/7/2017
Please please please continue Your writing style is so good and the plot is amazing! I literally need another chapter. I beg of you! ️
Guest chapter 2 . 6/8/2016
Damn you for not continuing this!
Hikaru chapter 1 . 5/13/2016 it ShiTiger...and how tora reacts is great.
One thing though...I thought her name was kagari not kanari...oh well ... I still got it..
BB chapter 2 . 4/1/2016
Continue it please...I'm on the edge of my seat...
Death by moe chapter 2 . 10/17/2015
LunarStar98 chapter 2 . 1/28/2014
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...cute and funny please write more, pretty please!?
Cookie RoxyPaw chapter 2 . 8/20/2011
*waves around with arms* Start writing more dammit!

I want to read what's gonna happen! /;...

I always thought of them being together, but that others were too... Now I feel less weird XD! 33

Anyways, please write more. .w. 3
hot-chick1 chapter 2 . 4/1/2009
OMG! I Love this story! I'm not really into the Ushio and Tora yoai of the series but I really love this story! You gotta update! You've made me a Ushira Fangirl! YEAHS!
FirePeleKa chapter 2 . 5/3/2005

Okay 2 things, you changed Karani's sex at:

Tora growled and half glared back at _him_

also it should be at,

the youth _as_ his feet

I don't think I like the idea of Ushio being as Tora feet. *wink* :-P

EXCELLENT story, wonderful idea!
kyou chapter 2 . 1/13/2005
kewl update soon
MysticGriffyn chapter 1 . 12/12/2004
Don't rush the fiction, Just write faster, more detail in the scene where Tora opens the door to find Ushio. Is he laying down standing up sitting, that parts kind of confusing
Lydia chapter 2 . 11/19/2004
Hello. Just ran across this and have to tell you that I love it! It is just what we need, more Ushio and Tora fics. I have read other stories that you have written and loved them all. I hope that you will write more soon. Thank you!
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