Reviews for The YSA
Shiroi-Papillon chapter 22 . 11/17/2016
I had read and favorited this story a little over 10 years ago, and your story is still fantastic a decade later _ I don't know how but I even remembered some of your jokes and they made me laugh even harder this time. I will be checking out your other stories! Awesome job, I hope you're still writing, even if not here 3
PS They won't allow more than one review per chapter, and apparently I have reviewed the last chapter before, so here :p
Cranky Mesuinu chapter 15 . 11/1/2007
Stumbled my ass! If Jakotsu even scathes Kagome I will personally kick his ass! Love the story though.

P.S. If Kagome gets hurt I may decide to hex you. -
Unnormal chapter 16 . 11/30/2006
Well, I wasn't going to review until I finished the story but... OMFG THAT WAS SO BILLIANT! Jyakotsu on Queer Eye? It's genious and horrifying at the same time! And Ginta and Hakkaku are my favorite characters! Its about time somebody included them in a fic, in the only other fics I've found them in they DIE. Thank you for being AWESOME!
Preistess Mia chapter 23 . 11/30/2006
I love the ending, but why just leave it there? Why couldn't Inuyasha kiss her back or something? Either way, this is one of the best stories i had ever read! Keep up the great work, but why is the 2nd one so werid? It barely has any Inuyasha and Kagome moments!
TheHuntressandtheHunted chapter 23 . 6/4/2006
You know I found this story ages andages ago before I had a joint accoutn with my friend. Way back when you were first starting out and I was so hooked! But no mater wha tI tried I could not get the search to bring it up and it never seemed to appear in the list. And then by pure luck the other day I saew "The YSA returns" or whatever the title is. Well I almost fell over in glee. This story was really well done! I can't praise yo uenough for the plot, the character development... it was all awesome. Not many peopel can manage to write 'mystery' storieswithout screwing themselves over somewhere along the line... great JOB!
Lisa214 chapter 1 . 3/23/2006
this is funny.
Mr. Alice chapter 14 . 1/8/2006
Shiroi-Papillon chapter 23 . 3/27/2005
I ADORED THIS STORY! I can't imagine how much talent you have...You could be Agatha Christie's rival! You just mixed me up with who is Naraku's girlfriend...I really thought it was Kagome...And you made me laugh my ass of... You rock! Continue writing those stories that you'll be famous for...and follow my advice, go see an editor...You rock!

You're my idol lol

luv, Rin the Skull-addicted
myinuyasha04 chapter 23 . 2/27/2005
so cute! i loved it!
BSIL ReVAMP chapter 23 . 2/25/2005
YAYAYAYAYAYAyAyAYYAYAYA! That was awesome! too bad that it ended so soon... it was really good!
loveyaa1210 chapter 23 . 2/20/2005
i just loved your story to death. I thought it was wonderful and you know what would be wonderful... is if you did a sequel to it. you can have Kagome and Inuyasha hook up to take Naraku down. but now they know that they like eachouther and don't mind being called a couple. well anyway i think the story was really good. till next time (i hope)
nothing chapter 23 . 2/17/2005
quite nnice. but u may want 2 haf a sequel though.
glenlightarrow chapter 23 . 2/16/2005
What it's over! *pouts* MAKE A SEQUEL! You really need to okay! or don't end it! Soif you aren't going to keep it going MAKE A SEQUEl!
NefCanuck chapter 23 . 2/16/2005
Wow, fun ride, hope you see fit to produce a sequel to this at some point, esp. since that dirtbag Naraku got off scot free this time :P

Heh, I just figured the Kagome in this fic would be just the type to want to get back at Jakotsu ;)
abandonedineverysenseoftheword chapter 23 . 2/16/2005
*squeals* Kyaa~! Kagome kissed him! I can so see the sequel with Kagome and Inuyasha hunting Naraku... Along with issues of Kagome being pregnant or marriage and etc... ; I truly love this story and I look forward to more of your works!
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