Reviews for Something
Moonlight Serenity chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Wonderful! I loved Bakura's development. And Ryou's catatonic-like-ness. And that he called him Ree. And of course the last several paragraphs. Awesome story!
TexasDreamer01 chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
I like the idea of Bakura being able to take over the world with his brains if he felt like it. And Ryou's nickname. It's cool. :)
Kiko-chan X Kanda-sama chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
hmm.. im not much of a swearing person though i dont mind swearing occasionally. good story and idea but maybe tone the swearing a bit down?

i like the ending, it is hott and sweet when bakura said he fell in love w ryou. .
afancyintermission chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
Really brilliant! (:

withbothhands chapter 1 . 3/20/2009
great job! i just love the ending. and the sunlight/hikari part was beautiful. there are so many lines in this story that i would just love to quote all day long. liberal use of the word fuck plus a generally awesome piece of work equals a beautiful, beautiful oneshot that made me want to cry.
Puffi The Insane chapter 1 . 1/10/2008
Twenty four. I read this fic -twenty four- times.

I don't know why, but I am in -love- with it. It's just...

It's just so fucked up and beautiful at the same time and it's like you almost -are- the characters, not just reading about them and it's fucking -amazing-.

Bends my mind like a Frito.


~Puffi The Insane
KuraRose chapter 1 . 4/29/2007
I think i'm very much in love with your work. I just love how you show Bakura and Ryou in each and every one of them. Different yet the same all so enchanting. With so much emotion i think i could cry. I juts love ur writing
rascality chapter 1 . 12/14/2006
This is amazing. They both seem so real in this, and I like that everything isn't immediately ok, but it obviously is going to be. Wonderful fic. _
FanFicFanGurl101 chapter 1 . 8/19/2006
i freakin loved that! :O
I am the Unicorn chapter 1 . 7/9/2006
This was so great to read... I loved it. You did such a great job writing it!
Hakiri-Nefertiri chapter 1 . 3/23/2005
Hermione: I loved that! So much imagery! Wow!

Nefertiri: My hikair is pleased. She liked reading stufflike this

Hermione: Sure do! I totaly see this happening! YAY! I'm sort of speechless. This totaly sounds like them! I love this!
imagines writes chapter 1 . 2/15/2005
How do you keep Bakura in character and still write romance?

I liked how you described him as 'mercury in Domino's veins.' And also how he still wanted to take over the world and all. So many stories (and all of mine are like this :P) give him a body and then make him 'nicer.'

Thanks for your review on WPRR. I really appreciate it when people take the time to tell me things that could have been done differently. You're right about the understatement thing; I thought that sentence sounded kind of weird, but I couldn't see how to change it. ; I have a lot of trouble with understantment.

Seren147 chapter 1 . 11/14/2004
Wow, what a great one-shot! I thought it was wonderful...I felt bad for both Bakura and Ryou in this fic...but I'm glad at how it ended!

Good job! Keep up the great work!
Black-Breeze chapter 1 . 10/12/2004
Aww, how sweet. Much like 'Knotting Hill' chick flik kinda. You made me love this pairing more. . . VOTE YES ON GAY MARRIGES! *cough* Nice story. I like your name too, Bobgod.
Misura chapter 1 . 10/8/2004
An intrigueing and oddly engaging view on a future Bakura and Ryou, and where their relationship could take them. I like the way you wrote both of them, as well as the way they interacted. Loved the ending too, of course. -
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