Reviews for Disavowals
Guest chapter 24 . 6/23/2018
I cried at least twice while reading this.
biblioholic chapter 23 . 12/23/2011
Ah! The irony of meeting someone who's been secretly reading your letters to your girlfriend (Hal).

I absolutely loved how you wrote the confrontation between Theo and his father. Realistic and not your typical "I hate you speeches". It got me emotional. I think I've fallen in love with your characters.

Rate 8.5/10
biblioholic chapter 20 . 12/23/2011
Wow. So many things in the fic are happening... I guess this is the part of the Saga where everything goes off cannon. I'm pretty sure Dumby died wayyyy before that...can't wait to see what will happen next and how it will all (hopefully) end bitersweetly.

Iliad? I's love to see you do a one-shot on Theo reading it. :)

Rate 8.49/10
biblioholic chapter 3 . 12/22/2011
Oh! And away goes Theo! Anne is too trusting of people who look familiar. Wonder if anything bad will ever happen to her because of that trait.

Rate 8.39/10
biblioholic chapter 2 . 12/22/2011
Wonderful so far. Poor Theo wonder how his relatives are reacting (I thought he was living with his mother). I love how youve given Anna's family members unique characteristics.

Rate 8.3/10
Margravine chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
I love these stories to bits. I seriously stayed up til 4 lost in them. rarely have I come across such vivid characterisation, heart warming depiction of friendship, and natural (no broom closets, thank God) blossoming of sweet, well written romance. I LOVE IT!

Obviously I'm about 4 years late, but if you get this - I want to tell you how much I enjoyed this, and I wish there was much more fanfics like this around.
magdilen chapter 24 . 11/6/2009
Awesome! Great job.
Dimrilla chapter 22 . 6/24/2008
The conversation between Theo and his father was so heartbreaking, I had to take a pause from reading.

I don't have words to describe how I feel after reading this. I'd never ever want to be in a situation like this. Poor Theo. And poor Eric, in a way. So proud, and so trapped in his prejudices, in the dark and evilness.
Bob Jones chapter 24 . 3/16/2006
I've loved your series of stories on Theo and Anne from the first chapter I read! I can't possibly thank you enough for taking the time to write them and enrich my life with your imagination. :)
PheonixLament chapter 4 . 3/15/2006
inthought you said that theo's mum was alive. he visited her in one of the stories did he not?
Tharin chapter 24 . 12/28/2005
I just finished the story. It's really wonderful written, and I love to see life in Hogwarts (and the final battle) through Anne's and Theo's eyes. It's interesting to see the point of view of people who are normally just side characters.

You're describtion of the battle was very powerful. It wasen't nice and clean, it showed how a war really is. It was realistic, and not just a fairy tale. Theo's last meeting with his father was also well written.

I already added you to my favorite authors list, and I want to thank you for an very interesting story.
claudiastar chapter 24 . 8/23/2005
I love how mature Anne and Theo become over the course of this whole fic. They're both such good characters, especially Theo who is amazingly complex. I love the conversations he has with himself. I love the way neither you avoid assumptions- for example Theo's family still matter to him. Your Anne and Theo fic's are defiantely among the best I've ever read. Please write more about them soon
Foxglove Chant chapter 2 . 8/3/2005
Oh, there is defintely huge embarrasment in both their futures *lol* What about when Anne's roommates find out that she really did have a secret Slytherin boyfriend? I'm looking forward to that scene. Anyway, another great chapter. Lots of really good details.
Foxglove Chant chapter 1 . 8/3/2005
This is heartbreaking. I don't think I've ever read a story about a Death Eater's child changing sides that so eloquently and truthfully explored how one would feel. I care so much about your Theo.
bookfanatic84 chapter 24 . 7/30/2005
Wow! This series is stunning. I just read the first 6 stories and I enjoyed it tremendously. I look forward to seeing what else you have written. Thank you.
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