Reviews for Falling
Lacus Klein chapter 1 . 3/28/2005
Aw! So sweet yet so sad ;_;

I love it. Simple but effective. You're an awesome writer!
Maria-chan chapter 1 . 11/8/2004
I think- this is as happy as it could get for those two. Oh, woe the angst when all you want is a happy moment. Great job!
Animegoil chapter 1 . 11/2/2004
AWW! How cute! Omg, I love them, they're soo cute! Haha, I read your fic, one cause the sumamry seems interesting, two cause i lvoe the pairing, and three, cause it has the same title as my own Subaru/Kamui fic, lol. Coicidence, coincidence.

Anyway, bautifully written, ansgty, very cute.

Your portrayal of Kamui as so dominant was interesting,. I still haven't made up my mind who's more dominant. I think of them as equals... hm... ack, they're so cute! *drown* very pretty, very very pretty, write more!

If you ever want, mind giving mine a shot, and read it? I've only just come into the x fandom, hehe.

Anyway, write more of the pretty fic!
Sorchafyre chapter 1 . 10/9/2004
A quick comment on this story- I think my favorite thing was that for the first few paragraphs, I wasn't sure who's perspective we were listening from. Either of them could have been speaking; they seem to take turns being vulnerable to each other. And I definately like the strength in Kamui, which we see too little of in many fictions.
Kisaya chapter 1 . 8/27/2004
*sniff sniff* I'm such a wuss T_T That was so sad! This piece was beautifully written and Subaru's and Kamui's personality traits that you portrayed were very good. I agree with you on the note that Subaru couldn't handle it to well. It's kind of written in his personality. No gramatical erorrs *thumbs up* I don't see anything wrong with this fic, which is great.

Well I hope this story progresses and I can't wait to read more.

Good luck!

Kia Vail-Kagami chapter 1 . 8/27/2004
This is more like I can imagine this pairing than the way it is usually portrait. Means: I love this story! Please write more like this. I very much like your writing stlye, by the way!