Reviews for A Night To Think On
Draconia-san chapter 1 . 10/31/2007

Could I have the link to the NC-17 version?


firedragongirl chapter 5 . 9/3/2007
You don't know how surprised I was at the end of this chapter, too. XD Darn, didn't think I'd hear applause for something like that. Really, I would've thought Zelos'd be surprised by being the one to be kissed instead of the one to give it. XD Please update soon! .
Nightly Halo chapter 5 . 3/30/2007
i likie continue lol
Oak chapter 1 . 6/28/2006
I admit to not having read your fic yet. Why? I don't want to spoil everything for myself and I have several other ficdoms to go find updates in, anyway. I'm trying to wait until I actually FINISH THE GAME before I start reading and finding out the plot prematurely. _*

Anyway, now that I've likely confused you, I'll explain. I was reading something relatively spoiler-free [based off of what I already know from the game] that I'd clicked on because it was anti-yaoi and I wanted to see how they'd handled the issue. It wasn't as bad as some things that I've seen. -_- [Kingdom Hearts yaoi/shonen-ai hate, for example, can get ridiculous.] Anyway, I checked the reviews to see what the community had to say about it, and I came across your review. It peaked my interest, because you mentioned that you were a male sh-ai writer, and are thus unfortunately rare. Most yaoi writers are female and straight, and while they write well, bless them, they aren't gay, and usually don't handle the 'Am I gay? Because I'm thinkin' he's looking pretty good right now...' scenes in a terribly realistic way. There are many exceptions, of course, which I recognize. I digress.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm glad that someone else who is writing shonen-ai/yaoi fics [I myself am female and bi] actually knows what it's like to be in that 'Hey, I think I might be ghey because I'm checking out my friend here.' situation. We need more not-straight people writing...geez. As much as I wish that I could sprinkle rainbows and gay dust over the world [or, if I'm starting small, just the fanfiction communities] and make everyone at least open-minded, I can't, so I figure I should just at least let someone else know that they're not alone.

Then again, you're probably going to go 'Mmhm, that's nice...I think I'll stick that in my "FOLDER OF COMMENTS FROM THE MENTALLY UNSTABLE" and get some Cheerios. Yum, Cheerios...' Aha. O well. Thanks for your time, I suppose. _
ArtificialLung chapter 3 . 4/12/2006
Ah, may the many bubbles of love sent pop over your head and rain a torrent of gratitude. And may you forget, hopefully, the beginning of this review. A sugar injected mind leaves everything to the imagination.

Well, I must say: What wonderful writing (huzzah for alliterations!). Jealous Genis is absolutely adorable. Your writing style is fast paced but enjoyable. Perhaps broaden your diction usage and viola, even better writing. I love this fiction. Granted, I wish I had found it earlier. Oo; I do hope you still keep up with your reviewers.

Much gratitude, Neurotically yours,

Artificial Lung

N. Would it be too much trouble to ask for the link to the uncensored version?
Cymbalrush chapter 5 . 9/29/2005
Aww lovely ending :D

Great work
lunasun72 chapter 5 . 7/30/2005
*claps* that was really really good! i really enjoyed this and this was just really good and well written! you could prolly make a sequel... anyway, i really liked this!
SoulTaken chapter 5 . 7/29/2005
An excellent story! I'm a fan of LloydGenis pairing and I think you didi it very well! Poor Genis *sob*. Anyways, review soon, please! X3
holysong chapter 4 . 7/28/2005
Genis is in love with presea, though! you're a crep!
Holysong chapter 3 . 7/28/2005
I don't know what possessed you to write a story like this but i think it's cute. I just have ome simple request. Can you add Kratos to the story? he's my favorite tos character...
holysong chapter 2 . 7/28/2005
I love how lloyd is slowly falling for zelos, but you

have to make zelos less out-going. i can't explain.
holysong chapter 1 . 7/28/2005
I like reading this story. it's not that corny. keep

writing, you freak!
Electric Eclectic chapter 5 . 7/27/2005
Yay. I've been waiting for some good news from ya. You scared me for a while man. I thought you were never going to write anything ever again. But you came back with a brand new chappie. That's great. I E-mailed ya too. Hope you get it soon. Do you have a beta reader? Cause if ya don't, I'm doing beta reading now and was wondering if ya needed one. Anyways, great story so far..(If you say you might be writing more of it.) I enjoyed it and I'll recommend it to some friends of mine.

Yunnu chapter 5 . 7/27/2005
Aw~ So sweet~
nife chapter 5 . 7/27/2005
Aw! That's adorable. I love the ending!
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