Reviews for What the Hell Happened Here !
Tweeky chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
Good first part however I should point out that as big as Jupiter is there are plenty of gas-giants out there that outmass Jupiter.
fristknight chapter 17 . 3/28/2015
Its cool and thanks for the closer, can't wait to see what you have plan for the future.
Worker72 chapter 17 . 3/22/2015
Too bad but the simplest solution would have been to just have the Leviathan Pilots reprogram the Matrix. Each one of them is like Neo on Steroids. The Matrix could never keep up with them.
Allen Pitt chapter 17 . 3/22/2015
Allow me to thank you for posting this, too many writers just 'stop'. I understand why, one gets out of school, and finds that a full time job means there's no time for this...but for an epic work, a few notes about what would have happened -that's very nice to do. Thanks again!
yeah, freeing billions of humans at once was never going to happen, could never work. Most couldn't stand the shock, there were not enough resources for them anyway, all that. Saving Zion & the protagonists of the films is huge in itself.
Arekanderu chapter 17 . 3/22/2015
Aww too bad. But thank you for telling us what would happen!
RAY chapter 16 . 10/18/2014


Best Regards
LightOtter chapter 16 . 6/18/2014
Please continue the story. You say the story isn't dead (yet) but it hasn't been updated in over a year. Please finish it.
Guest chapter 16 . 5/24/2014
Great story!
jackcarr2011 chapter 6 . 5/9/2014
rankokun alpha chapter 5 . Nov 15, 2004
it's called a hedge drive for non ftl drive which i understand doesnt exist! it's used across the board all modes! so far as i can tell and from watching all the eps! and the mini series! anyways cant wait till your exams are over and you can get back to this story!

Firstly its called Hetch drive not hedge drive, and secondly its a FTL drive, in the Farscape universe a Hetch is a unit of measurement of faster than light travel, Moya can reach Hetch 9 where as a peacekeeper marauder can only reach Hetch 7.

In Season 4 Episode 13 "Terra Nova"
When Criteon talks to D.K., D.K. looking at Criteon's module asks

"I'm not sure what I believe anymore. All this crap you've tacked on!"
"Hetch drive.- FTL."
"It can't work. It's theoretically impossible."
"Theory is wrong."
robert32514 chapter 16 . 1/27/2014
U gonna update anytime soon?
Soki711 chapter 6 . 1/9/2014
Great story, it melds together nicely.
Neodammarung chapter 11 . 1/6/2014
Technically the humans are at fault for the current plight of the Earth. The machines offered peace...unfortunately those in power didn't like the changes this would have brought. So they nuked Zero/One, the machine capital, which started the war.
edboy4926 chapter 16 . 12/30/2013
Awesome story
Please continue, want to see John enter the Matrix.
mishap chapter 16 . 10/13/2013
I never would have imagined a Farscape/Matrix crossover in my wildest dreams...but, it works and it works well. I can't wait to see where you take it from here and I hope to see more soon.
Snekullent chapter 3 . 8/29/2013
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