Reviews for If I Gave It All Away
anayu123 chapter 7 . 6/18/2017
munchkin384 chapter 7 . 1/23/2008
wow, nice fic...munch is the greatest, then Fin, and I'm really surprised that Huang didn't get in but it was a good story and munch mad is a rare sight. way to go!
The Hiding Moon chapter 7 . 10/19/2007
good story. great sense of humor. i hope u can contine with ths stroy. XD
Rinnalaiss chapter 7 . 6/25/2006
I really like your story! Update soon!
Abcdsergv chapter 7 . 10/5/2005
Update and I'll give you a proverbial cookie.
Vara chapter 4 . 10/1/2005
Hi, nice fic, so far and it does read rather close to an episode so that's great too. I wanted to point something out to you, I think you had a little mix-up here with spelling the different forms of the word "they". See, 'they' is just flat plural as in more than one person while 'their' is used when more than one person owns something and 'they're' is used when more than one person are all doing something.

They went to the park to play touch football.

They're at the park playing touch football.

Their game of touchfootball ended when it began to rain.

Not a sports fan here, it just sort of came out as my first example.

Hope this doesn't come off as a flame, and sorry I couldn't actually mention where these errors are-they were mostly in the chapters before this one, I did look over this chap again but couldn't find it here so maybe you already noticed it or something.

like I said, good fic. The girl Nellie is very believable and realistic, though as Munch is my fav char I tend to not enjoy him making such obvious mistakes you are right in the fact that he has does simmilar things in the past so this isn't really ooc.
Animaltalker chapter 7 . 8/28/2005
This is really good. Now I'll say the thing I dread hearing- hope you update soon
dee caine chapter 7 . 6/22/2005
i absolutely love this

such a nice change from E/O pairings and it's nice to see that side of munchie

he's a good cop and a great guy and i think you have captured that so good on you

it's good to see a different side of OUR munchie


melbourne, austriali
krissi-boo chapter 7 . 12/13/2004
woah dis stories is like really really good i like it cuz i dont see a whole lot bout munch being wrotten and all so yay i hope u post some more stories soon i know this is fro mkinda a long time ago but im new and i really liked this story so yay! hehe lol i forgot what i meant 2 say oh well lol
Gingerjohnson chapter 7 . 12/13/2004
I really enjoyed this srory. Looking foward to the sequel!
Ledger chapter 1 . 11/17/2004
Interesting. . . I like it. . . And I still don't know what a "beta" is?
LSMunch chapter 6 . 10/24/2004
You captured Munch so well and that's a hard thing to do considering. I love the way Munch gets too close, and how you mentioned the Sarah Logan episode, Remorse. Very good story. Keep going!
LSMunch chapter 7 . 10/20/2004
I heard some good things about you from someone, forget who. Munch is awesome, keep writing about him.
LenniluvsBrian chapter 7 . 10/9/2004
HELLO! UPDATE! lol. Good fic though - sad thing that happened - ESPECIALLY 2 the lil' boy -'cuz, well, he did wind up dead. Feel bad 4 Nellie 2 though.


enlightenedkitty chapter 7 . 10/5/2004
Alright, story was okay ... a little unbelievable w/ the dead brother and disbelieving mother who provided an alibi, but I think you got Munch down pretty well, Fin too, for the bit he was there. Biggest complaint: run a spell check! It was difficult for me to read w/ all the misspellings.
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