Reviews for Déjà vu
SithKnight-Galen chapter 1 . 3/7/2007
Well, I read your other completed stories on here so I decide to give this one a gander as well. I can understand if the muse is not with you at the moment, but I guess I would really like to see more of this be put out for the world, myself included, to be able to read at some point. I thought that this first chapter was very captivating, but there is still so much more to this story that probably needs to be told, and only you have the keys for us to be able to view it.
ExiledfromAzerath chapter 1 . 1/28/2007
? you lost me.
why chapter 1 . 3/13/2006
u haven't reviewd in ages!

im beginnin to worry.

please update soon, or at least do something!

i wish u would hurry up, u have the best cparing sense!
vbabe11 chapter 1 . 2/6/2006
aw. I think if you came up with some good story this could turn out well. I'm just glad it's not I can read this! :D
raeandcyforever chapter 1 . 2/6/2006
This is one of the best one shots I have ever read... I would love it to be one of the best stories I have ever read. now I am only suggesting (more like pleading) to add more chapters.
Raventhedarkgoddess chapter 1 . 9/15/2005
*smiles at the Rae/Cy coupling* You know, I kind of thought you'd vanished from the world of writers... Nice to see you haven't, although you probably don't have a clue who I am.

Anyway, I just realized I'd never read this. I personally loved it- It really serves it's purpose as a one-shot, and leaves the air of unanswered questions, which I love.

Good job.

starlit moonshadow chapter 1 . 7/31/2005
this was very good! and i like the way the end was tied into the beginning with the deja vu thing
Bittersweet98 chapter 1 . 7/17/2005
Gah! This is such a beautiful story that I have just stumbled upon!

*goes squee over Cy/Rae*

Your descriptions are quite inspiring and incredible and beautiful and amazing. n,n The end left me speechless...GREAT work.
MockingSilence chapter 1 . 4/22/2005
*Blink* Wow. Wow. That's... awesome. Very good, confusing, sad, romantic... wow.
SisCo Kid chapter 1 . 9/18/2004
I really liked this story and it would be very cool if you continued it.
Amaros chapter 1 . 9/12/2004
I really liked that! that was one of the best fanfics that I've ever seen!I think you might want to write more stories like this.
Spyrothetitan chapter 1 . 8/16/2004
Good story keep it up and Ch 6 is up in Dream Weaver so check it out
Cat o'thWind chapter 1 . 8/12/2004
o.o WOW, this is really good, just all confusing and makes my brain hurt goodness. And finally, someone who can describe things, thank you!
Vandagirl chapter 1 . 8/12/2004

I LUV CyRae! _

Read my story, Teen Normals. It's CyRae too. _ It's also RobStar and BBTer, but still, will you read it? _

*adds story to favorites list* teehee! _
TheTalontedOne chapter 1 . 8/11/2004
Awesome, just plain awesome. Your best work yet. Whether you add more chapters or not, it's still amazing. Two Thumbs up!
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