Reviews for The Siren's Immortal
BlackIceWitch chapter 2 . 5/18/2013
Lovely writing, very personal and very immediate! Jack is Jack which is a difficult feat to perform with this character. I hope you'll one day continue this story as it's been an extremely enjoyable read.

Btw - songs of the sea are shantys. But I must applaud you on the details of both life at sea and the terminology used - I grew up on a yacht sailing around the Pacific :)
Cavriola chapter 2 . 2/6/2009
Epic beginning. Enjoyable. And wonderful summary of Captain Sparrow:

"Daft? Common knowledge, I should think.

Mad? A probable probability in its possibility.

Suicidal? Is rum or treasure involved?

Stupid? No, I don’t fancy myself that."
meowbooks chapter 2 . 3/16/2008
This is one PotC fan fiction I have never forgotten. You've written it so well. This chapter is just as well written if a bit more mysterious. :D
GamblerEzra chapter 2 . 2/8/2008
Spooky! Here's hopin' for more;)
Pirate Bo chapter 2 . 6/27/2007
Bo: great story! please update son!

Ski: I agree! please do!
Mickolie chapter 2 . 6/9/2007
Your story is so unique, don't change it just because the movie won't fit. Well, unless you want to that is.
peppymint chapter 2 . 5/6/2007
Don't worry about it. It is your story and there is no reason for you to conform to the latest movies.
bentoneire chapter 1 . 5/6/2007
Sayla Ragnarok chapter 2 . 4/30/2007
Oh wonderful you updated at last! I love the new chapter and I really hope to see this story evolve. Update soon!
distressed cough drop chapter 2 . 4/30/2007
You know, when I first read the first part of this story way back when, I didn't really like it all that much. Not because of the writing as such. I think you've established with every story on this site that you have an amazing talent, however the story was too fairytale-ish, ethereal for my tastes. Which kind of made me mad at myself, because I adore your Sands-stories :)

So when I got the story-alert, I thought I'd give it another try and lo and behold, I like it a lot now! I've still not quite made friends with the last part of the first chapter, but I'm definitely looking forward to the rest :)

1BabyBoy chapter 2 . 4/30/2007
Yeah! Glad to have you and your story back, Scarlett! Is Jack Sparrow going to be reborn again with another name/identity? Sure hope he keeps coming up lucky!
Winged Golden Tiger chapter 2 . 4/30/2007
I'm so happy to have received a mail announcing that there was an update to "The Siren's Immortal"! And the chapter is good: the new mermaid seems terrifying and I hope she'll not harm our dear Captain... As for the metal ship, it's a good idea.

I only hope you'll make Jack something more than human: He always seemed so different from mormal people, like a creature...

So, please update soon!
cobalt elysium chapter 2 . 4/30/2007
Again, pure brilliance.

I'm not sure how you manage to do this, again, time after time, story, novel, after story. You are extremely gifted.

I've promised myself not to make this review as long as the first, but, well...

"he found luck just as easily as he lost" That's Jack. Jack in a small nutshell. Have heard similar to that before, but I do love it, especially how you've weaved it with Jack.

"Funny thing, that. After all, you’d think the least He could do is let you know." - Lol, very amusing,. Would love to use that if I ever come back from the dead. It drips in sarcasm. Love it dearly.

I am still quite amazed, possibly concerned lol, at how well you play Jack, create him, mould him, throw the puppet around. You are gifted, very gifted with writing. "A probable probability in its possibility." If that is not dear Jack, then you are not as good as writer as I am lead to believe; that, was brilliance.

A metal ship with no sails? Curious, curious indeed. And more Siren's? I am indeed, hooked.

I said last chapter, how I loved good endings, and you've managed another brilliant one.

Much love and warm wishes.
cobalt elysium chapter 1 . 4/30/2007
This was simply brilliant, beautiful and very was simply amazing love. Really, this was a work of art, as finely scultped as the Pearl itself.

And I'm very distressed to find that for some stupid reason I didn't know you'd posted this, so my apologies for the late review.

This is, again, wonderfyl, masterfully scuplted and presented. Your words are rich and coated, descriptions very vivid, I can hear a lot of sound descriptions and see many things you describe, especially the Pearl and Jacks stance in the earlier lines.

You've also provided information in this aswell, as you describe the Pearl and it's "uniqueness" and the figure at the front- of which I was only faintly aware of. I did not realize she held a bird.

The chantey was brillaint too, have not heard of it and it's very much Jack.

Also, gah this is getting longer, apologies there, but the way you have Jack, feel him, know him, am him. It's amazing. I am still not quite sure he is not writing this. His manner, his words of eleoquence yet pirate talk is awe. You are pin point perfect. A very hard and rare thing to do, yet somehow you have manged it.

"She would become a widow before she ever truly experienced being a wife." - That is raw, very raw and emotional and I treasure that line.

"Freedom"- that simple world, near the part of 'sea-bird' and 'seductress', has so much meaning, is just. The moment, the time...impecable. Agin, i have said this and will continue to, but it's brilliant. You're brilliant.

I am a lover of good chapter ends, and this was was perfect in all senses.

I only hope to see more of your work up soon.
Sayla Ragnarok chapter 1 . 10/10/2006
This is such a wonderful story that it should be expanded. Does anyone find out about the real story of Jack and the siren? Does an enemy come after him because of his ties to the siren? Does the siren come back to see Jack? I want some answers and there is no way you can leave a story sit when people are asking all these questions so please expand it I really, really, really want to see what happens next.
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