Reviews for Insecurity
Katherine-Alvers chapter 10 . 7/25/2012
asdfghjkl I loved it!
Stalli Anna chapter 10 . 4/27/2012
This is a review for all 10 chapters of your wonderful story. I'm a JJ/Drake fan as well, thiugh I haven't written anything for them yet. I wanted to tell you that I really loved your story. I know this is several years ago but I'm going through some older stories for now. I hope you're still around on this site and that you have more stories to share. You write great fluff and your angst isn't as bad as you think. Now mind you that I'm saying this from your first story of several years ago and that I haven't read anything else yet, but I still loved the story none the less. I'll check out your othr stories as well. Thanks asagin for writing this.
Ladye chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
I love JJ and Drake stories. Yours was wonderful.

Moving on to the sequel now.
Nao K. Kawasaki chapter 10 . 3/23/2009

That was awesome. Repeat of the first chapter. Woo~
Nao K. Kawasaki chapter 7 . 3/23/2009
Nao K. Kawasaki chapter 6 . 3/22/2009
Hahah Drake seems to have the flight syndrome etched somewhere in his character because this is the second time I have seen that happen in a fan fic.

Oh well, still love it.
Nao K. Kawasaki chapter 3 . 3/22/2009
A puppy! That makes everything better! I love puppies!
Nao K. Kawasaki chapter 1 . 3/22/2009
Hahah wow I can't even imagine the awkwardness of that conversation between Dee and Ryo with Drake and JJ sitting there too. I would leave too!
Poshu chapter 5 . 2/25/2008
I know my reviews are years late but my respect for your awesomeness must be made known! I love when they were passing notes! And Dee standing up for Bikky was so great!
Poshu chapter 2 . 2/25/2008
I love Drake's grogginess in the beginning, especially the line "Remind me to punch Dee, later when I stop seeing him double."

bu the fight at the end was kinda stupid, i don't see two grown men getting into a fight about birthdays

anyway, I like your detail.
darknesspirals chapter 10 . 10/26/2007
Hey. I just finished reading your story, and I loved it! M. Drake and JJ. Totally delicious. I found this in someones favorite list, and i'm wicked glad I did, because i don't think i would have found it otherwise! Thanks!

Invader Ran chapter 8 . 11/24/2005
Seems like every JJDrake fic I read always mentions JJ's ass. Oh, well.
Invader Ran chapter 3 . 11/23/2005
My birthday is August 23rd...creepy sh-t. Just another reason for me to LURVE JJ!

Sorry for posting two reviews at once, but I can't resist!

P.S. Ryo probably knew JJ's birthday cuz when JJ was after Dee, he probably told him, who ended up telling Ryo.
Invader Ran chapter 1 . 11/23/2005
I am liking this so far. I've only read up to volume 3 (I did find the juicy bits from volume 7 on the net...heh, heh, heh...),but I finally read, "Like, Like, Love" so I can definitely see these two together a lot more easily than before.
Nariel chapter 10 . 11/8/2005
No lemon! *cries*

o_O There's a sequel?

*rushes off to read*
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