Reviews for Beyond Expectation
Healer chapter 13 . 11/25/2018
"Uh, pale faces. Kinda like those statues. You know, on Christmas Island?"

"You mean, Easter Island?" Giles corrected. Buffy nodded her head.


FUN FACT ... which I only learned a couple of days ago because life is wierd and put some o e from there in my life... there ia indeed a Christmas Island...
Eli chapter 19 . 9/21/2016
I've really enjoyed reading this story :)
tasha chapter 19 . 7/18/2016
more please
AeonUS chapter 19 . 3/4/2016
I've never read this pairing before and to my surprise once I started reading this I got into this story. The sad ending really through me though and as I'm not a fan of sad endings where one of the lead character dies I was disappointed by the ending. However, overall it was well written and a refreshing change from the usual BTVS stories.
brendafay chapter 19 . 11/18/2015
more please
EmberQuill chapter 18 . 8/15/2011
Wow, I loved it! I've read a few stories that begin like yours, with Buffy and Tara having known each other at Hemery (I think it was a challenge somewhere), but yours is by far the best one. The characterization is spot on, and I love how you deviated from canon. The Epilogue was very sad, with the deaths of Buffy and Oz (Anya's less so because it was somewhat expected, as it happened in canon too), but I still like it.

And the rest of the story was brilliant. I especially like the issues that come between them, especially about Buffy's ongoing reluctance to let anyone in, and how those issues were resolved.
Healer chapter 18 . 8/12/2011
Damn! Why hadn't I read this fic before?

Totally awesome, pretty well balanced emotions through all chapters and situations that arised.

Didn't like Joyce dying on a car accident, if you were gonna kill her, it would have been better for me at least, if it was actually a demon, or even a simple vamp.

As for Tara's father, I expected more troubles from him. And I'm really surprised you didn't use the whole 'women in our family have demon inside' thing, would have been interesting to leave it.

Cried as crazy with the epilogue, I could have done without it, but maybe that's because I dont' really like crying.

Oh, and you did surprised me with Xander's insights, to both, Tara and Buffy, you developed him quite nicely.

Nothingness-Nate chapter 18 . 1/14/2011
that was a beautiful story. i love it, i couldnt stopped reading, the epilogue i didnt read cause what i read was pretty say. you should do more tara/buffy stories
magicmumu chapter 7 . 8/3/2009
Nice chapter. now the action begins.

magicmumu chapter 6 . 8/3/2009
I am glad that Buffy leanred about Tara's past. The soft touches, and the Merry Christmas in the end made me wish for fireplace and mistletoe. Nice chapter.

magicmumu chapter 5 . 8/3/2009
I am still a little grumpy about the fact that everyone seems to know all about all of Tara's buiness. but still an alright chapter. Looking forward to the presents.

magicmumu chapter 4 . 8/2/2009
Okay, I am thinking that the 'imperfection' will have Tara's family name on her mother's side on it. that would be really awesome Christmas present to get the exact same diamond thing back, and to get it from Buffy. I can't wait to see the vampire action, and for Tara to find out about it. I am excited for the Christmas presents being opened.

magicmumu chapter 3 . 8/2/2009
Again in this one, I saw that once Buffy knows something everyone knows, but i don't think even Buffy would go blabbing on that. Still, I liked the metaphore conversation between Xander and Tara in the end of this chapter.

magicmumu chapter 2 . 8/2/2009
I think the only thing I am not sure about as far as this and the last chapter goes is just how much Buffy has spoken about Tara to her family and friends. Also how much she has told Tara about willow and the witch thing. I am not sure if that was something that Willow kept a secret or not. Other than that, I think this story is moving a long nicely.

magicmumu chapter 1 . 8/2/2009
This story is really good so far. I like this Alternate universe you have created for the characters, and I could see everyone in my head at this time. Great stuff, and I am on my way to read the next chapter.

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