Reviews for Bottled Up Emotions
Belle-tot chapter 7 . 1/4/2009
I really love your .Added your story as one of my favs.I hope for your quick y0ou've got time in your hands that is :P


P.S. i admire your way with words.
SaphireOwl chapter 1 . 7/15/2007
hey, even though you posted this a while ago and probably dont even get on it anymore, i think that was a REALLY GREAT chapter!, it ALMOST sounded like JK Rowling herself! well i'm going to go read the next chapter! :)
JBailey2011 chapter 7 . 11/18/2006
Hey I love the story so far when are you going to continue? Well if you ever get the time I would love for you to read my story and comment and see if i should continue it or not,{make sure to review on the story caues It feels like no one is liking my story} LOL, So let me know what you think and let me know when you put another capter on her, ttyl bye

macaday me a nut chapter 7 . 10/1/2005
COL! I want more and soon if you dont mind. I sent this to friends. Love the pairing. Harry is so adorable. Whith the hole girl smile thing, thats so cute!

macaday me a nut (and your one too!)
Casey-Venturi chapter 7 . 7/30/2005
This is awesome, update soon!
hattiepotter chapter 7 . 2/19/2005
It's still good! The thing for this chapter is that you said Ron wasn't "in a very chipper mood". What? What is this "chipper mood"? I guess it could be a typo, or perhaps just my Englishness again! That's probably more likely! Please update soon! :-)
hattiepotter chapter 6 . 2/19/2005
V. funny and loving the two different points of view! :-)
hattiepotter chapter 5 . 2/19/2005
Hello there! The thing for this chapter is that I think Ginny blushes slightly too much. We see in OotP that she's kinda over that (not Harry of course, just the embarrassment!) and that she is often "quite unabashed". Just something I noticed! Looking forward to R/H and H/G action coming up! :-)
MayTheStars chapter 7 . 2/16/2005
OMG! iloved it ron needs to get his act together tho! lol this story is really going somewhere! i love it! ok keep updateing and ill keep reviewing!
Guillermo Potter chapter 7 . 2/15/2005
okay, i may be way out of line here, but is Krum ... not playing for the right team? This chapter showed that either he thinks of Hermione as just a friend or He shows no interest in girls. Just wondering.
hattiepotter chapter 3 . 2/13/2005
Loving the surfing chipmunk comment! One thing though (I know i do this after every chapter!), I don't think they'd have meatloaf cos u never get that in England. Just something I picked up on - I don't even really know what it is!
hattiepotter chapter 2 . 2/13/2005
Another excellent chappie. One more thing though, what is this "ruckus"? Cos I'm a little confused. Is it some American word (i'm English)? Otherwise c'etait chouette!
hattiepotter chapter 1 . 2/13/2005
Really good. I love the way you write, much more sophisticated than a lot of fanfic authors who don't really have anything special about them. One thing though, you can't say that you "drug" something, you could have "dragged" it though! Sorry - i'm a bit of a spelling and grammar freak! Great story so far!
blah-di-blah chapter 7 . 2/13/2005
Ok. I'm going to give you some advice: 1. Stop thanking your reviewers. It takes too much valuable space.

2. Update quicker. You've had this fic since August and you only have seven chapters. That's bad.
RussellGrl15 chapter 7 . 2/12/2005
Actually I'm not in college, I'm only a senior in high school. But good news! Today I got a letter saying I've been accepted into the University of New Hampshire. Yay! Anyway, on with your story...

I think I've finally figured out what makes the way you write Ron unique from other fanfiction Rons. You make Ron sexy! He's an attractive guy in this story. Not that he's not normally attractive, but he's sexy in a different sort of way when you write him. More like a real person sexy, know what I mean? It makes it all the better to read, of course. I loved the last few pieces of dialogue in this chapter. The way they made up was perfect. I cannot wait for your next update. Hurry, please!

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