Reviews for Elusive
aya hineshi chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
i love insight on zack's life on the sweet and effective how you put words as memory triggers..and using Heat and Maxie connected. god job love reading your works..not done on reading them yet...soon )
Faeries Twilight chapter 1 . 8/28/2004
Very VERY good. Poor Zachness... and it explains a lot. Well, not to HIM... heh...
mrsackles chapter 1 . 8/8/2004
Aw thats really cool, an insight to Zack's mind and feelings :) Top Job :D
Lady-in-Waiting Kat chapter 1 . 8/4/2004
Wow! Did u really write that in only 15 mins? I hope that u'll continue w/ it. It was so good.
ate8888888888888 chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
I love this. I miss Zack so much and I really don't like the way his importance is so downplayed. But with this specifically; I love the way you captured the fragments and the confusion. And the emotions and responses attached to seemingly random words and things. I love that he still has himself, his urge to protect the othe 09ers for example, even though he can't remember who he is. And I love that you made him smart.
Fair Cate chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
feenian chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
a new one, hu ?

great, like always !

i have to admit, that i always liked zack.

so, do you plan to continue this story ?
angel452 chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
oh wow really nice story u have here, but are you going to create new chapters or is this just a one shot deal. Anyway awsome story and if u do come out with other chapters then I'll be there to read them.
Lyndsay chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
You wrote this in five minutes? Impressive. But I can't seem to shift the image of Zack being chased around a field by a herd of cows... it's disturbing... thanks for that. ; )
X5898 chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
I loved it. I can feel the confusion in him. But what I liked the most was how you managed to show that with or without memory, there are things that are still him, that he can't loose, that are ingraved in him. With or without memory he knows there is something he should be doing, something that he needs to do, to protect his siblings. He just doesn't know what it is, but there's something missing there. Loved that. I always thought he would feel that way. In fact I wrote a fic about it. So yeah, I totally agree with that. And the whole need to leave, not to get attached, always on the move. So him. He might be Adam in the daily life, but he is still Zack inside.

Good job.
error444 chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
brilliant.. amazing wonderful

i love how you've created a montage of all the information we know about zack..

and he's afraid of cows.. i'm sorry.. i love that part..

but i love it!

Jade-k chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
that was really well written and highly emotive. You wrote that in 5 minutes? i bow before you, you talented one.

i loved the way you described Zac and his ongoing nightmare that people call his life. it was really touching.

as ever, it was a pleasure to read your work.
b l a c k r o s e 9 chapter 1 . 8/3/2004
simply amazing
Care494 chapter 1 . 8/2/2004
hehehe me again :-)

Damn girl, that was aweome. and sweet and heart renching all at the same time. it was like I wanted to jump through the screen and take Zack in my arms and give him a Big Hug, and tell him its all going to be ok. LOL :-)

p.s. ::tinks the screen, and wispers whens the sequel to MA coming?:: :-( ;-)
Certifiably Insane chapter 1 . 8/2/2004
Oh poor, poor mis-guided Zack! And heres me thinking he'd like it on the farm.

Naturally I loved it! It was absolutely wow-some. If wow-some is an actual word which i dont think it is, anyway back to the fic. It was great! And I felt his pain! Poor Zack!

Well done Faythy! (Dont ask why I called you Faythy, I just ahd the uncontrollably urge to, I'm wierd like that.)
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