Reviews for Code Lyoko: A Retelling
Akitani-Mari chapter 13 . 8/22/2018
Oh my gosh I love your work! I watched Code Lyoko as a kid and loved it, and I looked up Code Lyoko fan fiction on a lark a few days ago, and found Code Lyoko:A Retelling! I love the depth you've added to the series, and I love the characters you've added! Jin, Dirk, and Clayton all feel authentic, and honestly I kind of prefer the Lyoko universe with them in it as opposed to not!
I'm not good enough with this website yet to tell if you're still frequently active, but nevertheless, great job, this is my favorite Lyoko fanfic!
Writer-and-Artist27 chapter 1 . 3/11/2018
To G-Force,

It's been a while since I've come back to your fanfiction, and even if it has been a few years, I can't help but want to come back. Every single time.

You've done an amazing job with what you have here. I'm not even sure if I have proper words from going through this first chapter and introduction to Retelling again, because Jin caught my heart yet again, just like he did the first time I found him (and you) back in 2012.

Where to start with this review? There was so much detail crammed into this one chapter, 58 pages and all (which, by the way, is also awesome, since in Google Docs, the longest I've gotten to was about 25), and yet despite its length, I could go through it all without my head swirling. Even laugh and smile because of all the humor mixed in.

Your writing style was simple, yet detailed all at once in delivering the events of Teddygodzilla so easily, and there was that sense of humanity and realism to it too, in contrast to the original source material. The fact that Milly's conflict that led to the Xana-ification (for lack of better words) of her teddy bear was made to all the more sympathetic with her reactions; Jim's own regret at punishing Milly to where I could easily empathize; Principal Delmas's own determination to figure out what was going on with the teddy bear by almost begging Jim; and then of course, our Lyoko Warriors. I loved all of it. And the team took my heart with a bow and arrow, making me thoroughly happy and distracted from reality all the more. Which in itself was a good thing.

When coming back to this chapter, it's almost like I haven't left them at all, and Jin's introduction only made them love them and Code Lyoko as a series all over again. As of this review, Code Lyoko Evolution has already come and gone, with no news on a continuation (at least from what I heard), and with growing up, it was hard to remember the show I once loved as a kid when watching Cartoon Network in the summer, sitting in my babysitter's house. Your story was what brought me back into loving the original source material back in early high school, and it is again the precursor to me looking up Code Lyoko episodes on YouTube yet again in college - just to go back into the nostalgia and fun that was being a kid. You did so much with this story, and I'm glad to know that it's still here on FFN, for me to always come back to.

Jin is amazing as a character, and I freely admit he ended up being one of my unconscious inspirations when it came to writing on my own stories. With his sarcastic humor, many references, and, of course, his heroics, he really stood out as a protagonist all on his own merit, supporting the already powerful source material and boosting it in a way I don't think other OC fanfics for Code Lyoko have done.

Thank you for writing, and for keeping this story here.

Oh, and of course. Thank you for being one of my inspirations. Your radioplays and music choices ended up taking another unconscious note in my mind to the point of my own writing incorporating quite a bit. I at least wanted to say that much. :)

Thank you so much.

OMNISENSE95 chapter 3 . 8/18/2017
Okay... XANA is not the supercomputer itself. It's a computer program that became sentient and gained a desire to take over the world.
OMNISENSE95 chapter 21 . 8/17/2017
Wait a minute... Laughing Fit was not the episode that came after Plagued... Swarming Attack, Just in Time, and the Trap were all in between the two...
OMNISENSE95 chapter 1 . 8/17/2017
You do realize that Yumi has a younger brother, right? His name is Hiroki, and he develops a crush on Milly during Season 4...
Mulan chapter 1 . 4/1/2017
Karsap chapter 21 . 4/27/2016
Please continue I want to see what happens next!
Ari Rockefeller chapter 18 . 9/13/2015
I miss this story. And G-Force.
SlightlyOdd13 chapter 1 . 5/27/2014
I really like your writing style, how you described the settings, and each scene held just the right balance of dialogue vs description. Jin's character intrigues me. Some of the others seemed a bit out of character on one or two occurrences, but over all I think this story has a lot of potential. I look forward to reading further.
ZecoreZecron chapter 8 . 5/8/2014
I only have one complaint. It really seems like Jin should have tipped the scales enough to save Yumi.

Also they could have just copied the program, but that's a problem with the show not your story.
alteris chapter 11 . 8/29/2013
rereading this story for the first time in years, and I still say that the characterizations are some of the best on ffn, with Jin, Dirk, and Clayton being among the best ACC's here too. I really hope that you pick this story up again, and I know that I'm not alone on that one. heck, this story is what got me into fanfiction in the first place! that being said, I know that you're trying to get a career going as a voice actor, gratz on the game you got to be a part of btw, and I'm wondering, are you still accepting outtakes for Code Lyoko: A Retelling? and if so, how do I send them to you?
LadyUchiha2431 chapter 21 . 5/6/2013
totally amazing hope you continue soon
Undeadmonkey8 chapter 20 . 4/6/2013
Hmm, I can't remember reading this chapter before. Either I simply forgot about it, or it was added recently. I suspect it was my lack of memory, since it's not always the most reliable thing around. Anyway, great chapter, keep updating!
Undeadmonkey8 chapter 21 . 4/4/2013
I love your writing. This is actually the story that inspired me to start writing, so thanks for posting it. I hope that you're not just gonna let it sit here gathering dust forever, but I understand if you have a busy life and can't find time to work on it. Anyway, thank you for providing inspiration for me to start writing, keep rocking!
Guest chapter 21 . 10/1/2012
G write more please I want to know who the heck is Ghai. Write again soon...
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