Reviews for Untouchable
phillynz chapter 14 . 4/10
Glad his parents made an entrance
phillynz chapter 8 . 4/9
Lovly reunion
phillynz chapter 2 . 4/9
Linariel chapter 24 . 3/8/2019
Oh my gosh I love this story. I love how you slowly brought Serenity and Endymion together as a couple. I love the symobolism of the rose it makes me want to cry at the moving feat. I adore all the special moments you cooked up between the Senshi and generals. All the crazy antics going on and the touching moment that was so heartbreakingly beautiful. Hope there was hope in it and words can't begin to desbcribe all the moments in this story to cherish this is a beautiful work of art. It shows an understanding of both the anime and manga and an appreciation for all the characters as they are meant to be. It's simply gorgeous. I can't pin point just one moment I enjoy d for there are too many to count. It's a shame this hasn't been finished nonetheless I will always cherish the chance I've had to read what is written here and melt into the emotions of the story. Really truly I had an excellent time reading this. If you do update this one day and finish it that would be great. But regardless I love what you've written here and if that is all we shall see in the future then it is enough. Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful story and giving so much thought and love to all the characters particularly the princess, prince, senshi, and generals. It's plain to see you understand them and give them honorable and realistic interpretations. Beautiful work. Thanks once again. This is one of the best Sailor Moon fictions I've had the pleasure of reading. I don't say that lightly nor do I review a story unless I'm truly captured in its depths. And I absolutely was with this one. I wish you the best with your future writing you've got talent for it I can tell. Maybe one day I'll read one of your original stories without knowing it you never know ha ha.
Linariel chapter 10 . 3/7/2019
So I don't agree with what that other reviewer said. I genuinely think Minako was looking out for her princess with her choice to stay at the palace. The agree that Selene had to have sent them there for a good reason and that's the main reason she's so inclined to stay. I love this story so far I can't put I down but I just so had to voice my own thoughts on another reviewer saying Minako is a bad leader because I strongly disagree. So far I think my favorite part of this story is the chemistry between Mamarou and Usagi the back and forth banter just adds to the refreshing and fun feel of their interactions. You know the other Senshi aren't lying right they are crown princesses of their respective planets so that is the truth. But anywho wow I'm just loving everything here. And the friendship and camaraderie between the girls feels just like the show I adore it so. Having them all together is so special you can feel their friendship and love for each other in their interactions well done. Can't wait to read more and give a full review when I get to the end of the story. Fantastic work so far I haven't been this entertained in a while. You managed to capture all the girls personalities so well and made it so refreshing. I can see them keeping the prince and his generals on their toes ha ha.
WIFI-WIFI chapter 24 . 11/8/2017
I’m stillll waiting, pleaseeeee save us from this frantic situation
Cassette89 chapter 10 . 12/18/2016
Mina is a bad leader because the girls are right they should leave but because Mina wants to say so she can get with Kunzite.
Guest chapter 24 . 10/25/2016
Ahdjfjidhdhfjsoen please update soon I absolutely love it
Kitty chapter 24 . 2/14/2016
really a cliff hanger MORE (your killing me here) :(
MoonDolly chapter 24 . 10/7/2015
Ne, you haven't abandoned this story have you?! It's been so LONG since your last update and I've been waiting as patiently as possible while rereading what you've got so far, but a person can only wait for so long, don't you know?! I mean, it's getting real good and this is where you decided to leave it off?! Come on! Have a heart and update! I beg of you!
jesi ki kage chapter 24 . 7/19/2015
So I admit at first I was very uncertain about this story but now I absolutely love! You have some brilliant scenes in here that I just keep rereading! I so want to know what happens next! When do the men find out who they are? What is Beryl going to do-how is she going to get to stay at the castle for that matter? And will they get the happy ending or be designated for reincarnation? PLEASE UPDATE AND FINISH THIS STORY! I LOVE IT! and really want to know what happens next! *sigh* oh the fluffy cuteness. Thank you so much for writing and I really hope you do get to publish someday. Never give up on your dreams. -Jesi Ki Kage
enchanted-legend chapter 24 . 5/13/2015
Love this story! really hoping you are still continuing it
Guest chapter 24 . 1/27/2015
Please update.

This story is story is amazing - the plot, the characters and your writing. It is such an incredible story and leaving it on such a high is - well sucks.

Please update this story. :(
SereStarOfGaea chapter 24 . 1/3/2015
I hope you update soon... it is going great... loved the way you introduced the survivors
Serenity312 chapter 24 . 11/18/2014
AWWW i love this! great story :)
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