Reviews for The Samurai of Tomorrow
YokaiAngel chapter 44 . 1/21/2017
Genius!~~ (You also didn't mark this story as complete just to let you know)
Neo-Devil chapter 40 . 6/11/2014
Kouga and Saito, both Alphas, but Kouga is the elder.
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 2 . 1/5/2009
So Jaken.. into Yahiko?

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 1 . 1/5/2009
Wait... Sesshomaru reincarnated into Kenshin? Interesting..

Ari chan
HeadingNorth chapter 44 . 12/29/2007
:O :O :O :O :O :O WOW
silver eyeshine chapter 44 . 8/23/2007
Great! Hope you make more stories like this!
WolfeChilde chapter 44 . 7/8/2007
It's interesting
samurai 19x chapter 43 . 6/27/2007
dude that was freakin" epic 10/10
Deathfire-san chapter 44 . 6/27/2007
Very nice story, excellent plot, characters, and all that. It was a little hard to follow towards the middle, but otherwise awesome. Excellent work.

Randa-Chan chapter 44 . 5/1/2007
he he...laughs crazily. It's ten past three in the morning. What a lowlife am I? I enjoyed your story that much that I had to keep reading until I finished and the logical part of my brain is deeply regretting it while the other part is just going 'are what the hey, I'll live.'

Anyway, I enjoyed it as you've gathered since I really like Sess and Kenshin. It was interesting to read about but the one question I have is what doesn Kenshin look like now? Did all the marks and stuff go away or are they still there?

This story really had some fantastic humour in it and I found that the characters from Inuyasha were kept very much in context. Some of the RK characters, such as Saito, seemed quite OOC but I can live with that. Having lots of characters was fun but it did get a little tedious at time constantly switching. Maybe just write from the viewpoint of one person next time?

Any how, it was an awesome read in the end and I look foward to more in future. Still can't get over how many chapters you wrote. Wicked stuff!

Love Randa*
Miharu Kawashi chapter 44 . 11/17/2006
Cute story. I like the way you integrated the two shows. I was kind of shocked when you combined Sesshomaru and Kenshin, but you did it well. I originally thought that Aoshi might be the reincarnation, but Kenshin makes sense too. Ja ne!
kingleby chapter 44 . 10/2/2006
lol, great ending *sniff* i'll miss reading this.
kingleby chapter 43 . 10/2/2006
yay! shippo's okay _ and i loved the kenshin/kaoru moment!
kingleby chapter 42 . 10/2/2006
0_0 poor shippo...
kingleby chapter 41 . 10/2/2006
man, i love this battle _ it's written so well!
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