Reviews for Everyone's Fool
LyonessaStark chapter 1 . 7/4
So sweet! Love this ship!
Shiroimono chapter 1 . 4/19/2017
I like Erik talking to Raoul, trying to actually figure out what his rival is like. And of course all the lovely R/C here is lots of fun.
Julia chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
LOVED, loved, LOVED it! *heaps of cookies for you*
Gwynevere1 chapter 1 . 3/3/2006
Hi. I've read this before, and I've even rec'ced it elsewhere. So, I surprised when I looked back on it to see that I never left a review!

I love how Raoul is written in this. It keeps him perfectly in character, without making him Marty Stu nor Evil. I also love what you do with Erik here. Christine's compassion for him is clear. I always appreciate fics that don't undermine Erik's redemption.

Basically, I could go on and on about how good this fic is. Great one-shot.
Hikaru Hayashi chapter 1 . 10/12/2005
Oh, wonderful! Bravo! Five stars! I absolutely loved it. Fantastic work. Words cannot describe this marvelous piece. You have left me speechless. Excellent work!

cheri1 chapter 1 . 8/7/2005
i loved this so much! great job :)
Acharnae chapter 1 . 3/25/2005
This is lovely - and (a rare thing for Phantom fanfiction, which mostly aims at giving Erik a happy ending) it fits in seamlessly with canon.

I very much like the way this highlights Raouls character: that he is very young, very romantic, but not stupid. There's quite a lot of sudden understanding there (for Erik, and what it's like to live with that kind of face, and what motivation might have led Erik to build the torture chamber), but then Raoul had quite a lot of time for soul searching.

I especially like the mixture of dignity and roughness you lend to Erik, and the details you give about Raoul's childhood - the books he read, the heroes he aspired to, and his very early decision to marry Christine. Very good use of the scarf incident, too!

I love the way you paint both Erik and Raoul: as rivals, and without white-washing Erik, but also without bashing one of the two to make the other one look better (a wide-spread and not very creative strategy).

Only possibly aspect of improvement: Raouls thoughts were a bit too clear and organized and free of contradictions and rage for my taste. I guess it fits in with his kind character, but I enjoyed the plot more than the "this is what Raoul is thinking" part, so I would have enjoyed to see more plot. (Admittedly, I do not know whether that can easily be done in a story that concentrates on Raoul's thoughts.)

All in all: excellent work, I enjoyed this a lot. Thanks for writing this!
Lucky'linist333 chapter 1 . 2/18/2005
Wow, you made me rethink R/C phics. Thanks!

Will you read one of mine? It'd be nice to get a person's PoV who isn't a E/C shipper!

love your writing!
ElfLover chapter 1 . 1/29/2005
*sobbing uncontrollably*

So beautiful...absolutely, wonderfully, canonically perfect. Everyone is in character, especially Raoul and Erik.

One tiny criticism: At one point, Raoul is struggling against his chains, apparently on the ground. Later on, he "leapt to [his] feet". Are the chains long enough to allow him to stand, or was that a small error on your part? Or am I missing something?

Otherwise, beautiful story, lovely characterization, all in all a fantastic fic.

Respectfully yours,

LesMisLoony chapter 1 . 10/18/2004
Yes, it has been determined that you absolutely rock. *loves Raoul*
Aathiya Lia chapter 1 . 8/19/2004
I haven't reviewed this? (I can't remember sending you a private email either - age catches up!)

It's lovely and balanced, Meg. Not to mention that it gravitates towards some serious R/C fluffiness in the end. *grin*
marzoog chapter 1 . 8/16/2004
Ahh! :: adores ::

Lovely, as are all your fics! Vive le Vicomte!

The New Marguerite chapter 1 . 7/19/2004
Oh dear. You've made me cry. :checks off all the boxes under the review-box: :wipes tears away: I do believe you're my new favorite person. I adore Raoul (which doesn't make me love Erik any less, contrary to popular belief), and I'm so glad you made him sympathetic. Plus, your Erik is in-character, which is an amazing feat few can accomplish. And Christine! She's not a simpering moron, which makes me happy.

Oh, I also joined R.A.O.U.L.! Well, it's pending. I look forward to much Raoul-love!
Mary Jo Miller chapter 1 . 7/13/2004
I am an unapologetic E/C shipper, but this is really really good. Your characterizations are wonderful, especially Erik. I am very choked up over this story. Lovely and poignant

Lady Death chapter 1 . 7/12/2004

I loved this... Absolutely loved it... There is nowhere near enough RC phic in the world.

It was especially delightful how you managed to fill in the gaps without changing anything said in Leroux.

And Erik playing the inquisitor was rather amusing, as were Raoul's reflections on his own personality... *muses* I always did see him as a Dumas fan...
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