Reviews for Turnabout
lilidelafield chapter 23 . 7/24/2018
Looking back over older pages, I came across this and thought "no way!"
Well, I was wrong. This was an amazing read. I was shocked at how quickly I got into the characters of the girls, different as they would be being female, and yet recognisable too. I could not put it down. Very well done. Cleverly designed and still consistent with traditions of the original. Brilliant. Wil now fave so that I can read it again!
Ellen Tracy chapter 23 . 1/25/2011
Wow, what a story! Can't believe I hadn't read all this yet. Fantastic story and the reversal of genders actually worked really well. Had to laugh at The Hood being a woman, it just cracked me up somehow. Also liked the joke of her name ;)
Flash Foreward chapter 23 . 1/8/2011
The mere fact that this story exists makes me ridiculously happy. Such a good story! And the ending made me smile :)
tiylaya chapter 23 . 10/27/2009
What an intriguing story! I'd read the first chapter before and been a little put off by the premise since it could so easily have turned into nothing more than the parody you declared as a genre.

It turned into a lot more than that. The girls developed distinct characters and the plot was genuinely interesting and intriguing - not to mention dramatic. I was on the edge of my seat when Thunderbird Five was damaged!

I liked seeing how the dynamic changed between the television series and your AU. It made sense in a lot of ways, and was certainly food for thought in a 'might have been' way.

Thanks for posting an enjoyable story.
Chemical Girl chapter 23 . 10/27/2005
Hey that was good. The Brit Bitch bit was hilarious and the Hood a woman, brilliant.
fellowriverrat chapter 23 . 1/27/2005
I'm sorry to see this end, but I like the ending. I still am intrigued by the way you did this. Very characterization. Can't say I prefer the boys as girls, cause I don't, but I can honestly say that if they had been born female intead of male,they'd be very much as you have portrayed bless you for giving Jeff a romantic interest besides ,I don't like , but I cheered when she exposed herself,no pun intended, for what she really for the story, I liked it. Becky/fellowriverrat.
Hobbeth chapter 23 . 1/17/2005
I'm always a little sad when a good story ends, and this one was no exception. Thank you for an excellent read - and reread.
Girl-Detective chapter 23 . 1/12/2005
Excellent story. A "What if" question well answered. :)
Math Girl chapter 23 . 1/12/2005
It's nice to see that things have worked out so well for Jeff and his daughters. Everyone's "taken care of", although I hope it doesn't mean that they're through. Nice ending, in any case.
Math Girl chapter 22 . 1/12/2005
Well done, and a fitting end to the Hood, whatever his/her sex. Far too dangerous a character to leave lying about like a loaded gun. I hope that the girls will have many more adventures, as they are an interesting and welcome addition to the IR universe! Good job!
Phoenix Sparrow chapter 23 . 1/10/2005
Wow, that was really good! I liked that! Definitely a job well done! I enjoyed that very much!

Claudette chapter 18 . 12/22/2004
Just catching up with two chapters at once.

Bella Ghant? Elegant? That's my only guess . . .what little joke? Sorry, it went over my head.

So, The Hood is a she after all. Well now, I guess 'the stupid one' is about to become The Hood's undoing. Arrogant she dog. Well pride comes before a fall and I reckon she's long over-due for a tumble. Now, we just need Sally to get together and with-it enough to be able to help out when the others 'drop - in'.
Eternal Density chapter 17 . 12/18/2004
the Hood is a gal? I never would have guessed, but I should have! LOL
mcj chapter 17 . 12/17/2004
Hey there Tikatu. I know my opinion doesn't count for much but I have to say how much I am enjoying your story. You are very clever in the gender change and it is a pleasure to read each update.


Phoenix Sparrow chapter 17 . 12/7/2004
Woo, nice one! I never saw that one coming at all! So well written!

(Btw, sorry for not reviewing sooner, work's been hectic!)

Phoenix Sparrow-Tracy
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