Reviews for Le Coeur De La Mer
Hirami chapter 7 . 10/30/2016
Oh what a beautiful story! I love the way you portrayed Seto, it fits him so well. Instead of flying, here his passion is the sea. Trust that nerd to still be a huge Dragon fan, hihihi. And Yami, that poor lovely boy..
I like these kind of slow burn fanfictions. You can clearly feel the attraction between the characters, but they are clueless idiots in denial... but when the right moment comes, baaaam~ it hits like a cannon
So, needless to say, I loved that last scene on the deck. Nicely written. Evil way to stop the story, but hey, at least they managed to get their way :D hihihi.
Aethaena chapter 7 . 4/11/2010
I'm sure this is a little odd, getting a review so long after your last update, but I wanted to let you know that if you do ever decide to continue this (or any other of your lovely YGO works), at least one person is enjoying re-reading and waiting ;)
luminousSpark chapter 7 . 11/16/2009
I know that this is an old fanfic, but wow. This AU story is amazing! I adore the characters especially the way you make Mahaado and Seto gets really pissed at each other. Too bad you haven't updated for ages. This would have been great.

Candy world chapter 7 . 11/7/2009
Are you going to continue this? plz tell me :)
Ahau chapter 7 . 6/5/2008
yay!me ikey when r u gonna update.
Lurel chapter 7 . 10/3/2007
Omigoodness! D: Why aren't you updating this wonderful fic? (well, yeah, I understand you're busy and all... but still!) Please write more as soon as you can! I'm dying with anticipation here!

Hope school gets better for you! :)

PlatinumAngel25 chapter 6 . 8/27/2007
any chance of finishing this story? it's just getting really good.
penName111 chapter 7 . 4/28/2007
I can't wait till summer and you might get a chapter I wish you luck in your tests so you can update sooner!
Hikaru Mutou chapter 1 . 4/22/2007
Bloody heck, you once again astound and amaze! How in the world you make this pairing work every time, I don't know, but you do, and it's totally, 100% addicting! Love it! The only thing I'm not sure I liked is just how feminine Yami is...but tis your story, do whatever you wish, because no matter what it'll probably work!
Ahoyschnee chapter 7 . 3/25/2007
Why must you leave it like that? Please don't say farewell to this story. Of all your great stories, I love this one the most. Please don't abandon it, there's just too many great prideshipping authors who gave up on their stories. I don't want to loose this one too. It's just too perfect.
tenchibaka chapter 7 . 1/8/2007
...seto and yami...seto&yami setoyami setami sami~ i like sami... i love the story and even though i blush and skip lines i still wouldn't change a thing...ecept for the whole it bein' your thing... i like it
heartslogos chapter 7 . 11/30/2006
This is so funny! I luv this fic so much. I can't tell if it is finished though.
Shadow over Egypt chapter 1 . 6/3/2006
Mm...I've already reviewed for your most recent chapter, gomen. (bows head)I just found out some other stuff that might be of interest to you 'bout the Royal Navy.

Uh...flags at sea. (They're actually quite important to the marines..) The 'English' flag (the red cross) is the Admiral's flag, and the Admiral of the British Navy is the ONLY person (I think in the world...) who is supposed/allowed to fly it on their mast. No merchant ship can fly it. The Union flag too, is only the Union 'Jack' when flown at sea. On land, the English flag is only to be flown on a pole if it is beside the British one, and both most be flown at full mast if the reigning monarch is in residence of that house. They're flown at half-mast in times of tragedy, usually after a royal death.

(dimples) Is that useless Britsh trivia of mine any use to you?
tsuhiyo chapter 7 . 5/4/2006
7Very very wrong for some insignificant others but just SO right for those that deserves it. That's the way of life and it is very admirable.

Pls. Update soon! _
tsuhiyo chapter 6 . 5/3/2006
6 Very beautiful, and touching indeed! I love well defined battles that makes you feel your in a part there too! _
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